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Battle of Kursk (Related) R03 of 18

Reel Number: 221393-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: Germany,Russia,USSR

Location: Moscow

TC Begins: 07:20:45

TC Ends: 07:31:34

Duration: 00:10:49

Battle of Kursk (Related) R03 of 18 Barbed wire. Russian troops receive mail, write letters, reading, looking at pictures. Burning landscape shots, dead, crying woman. Soldiers exchange rifle shots by fence. Woman crawls to dead. Burned house. 07:21:46 Russian troops talking, some w/ helmets others w/ caps. Printing leaflets, men at small anvil in shelter pounding. Sun & clouds. Enthusiastic Russian troops shaking hands, smiling. Pan over apprehensive troops. Tank w/ number painted; soldier playing accordion in foxhole. Soldiers waiting in positions. Landscape shots. Soldiers smoking. 07:23:23 Soldier firing rifle w/ scope, German falls. Russian soldier puts up cardboard & draws fire, counts bullet holes. Sniper shoots & hits sniper in tree. Another German falls & tumbles down hillside. Wounded carried quickly away in canvas. 07:24:06 Pan across waiting Panzers on battlefield. Waiting for the battle; soldier w/ crow on shoulder. Men wash in ponds. Good landscape. Rifleman, smoking, German tanks lined, German officer on tank. Germans in reeds w/ radio, men w/ headphones. Riflemen, men fusing grenade, CUs of others waiting, man on field telephone. 07:25:33 Night artillery barrage fired. Followed by artillery soldiers run, field & farm burning. Explosions. Germans run into ditches, explosions. Pan over burning field & equipment. Flame throwers & explosions. CU German tanks left to right. 07:27:01 German nebelwerfer firing or launching rockets, explosions. Germans run thru & out of trench, throw grenades.Montage German artillery load and fire. German flamethrower shots. Explosions & debris. Germans in trench, fire nearby. Then Germans run forward. Infantry run behind German tank, then tanks left to right, firing, hit. One interior. 07:28:16 Russian & German artillery. Russian loading and firing, explosions. Katyusha. 07:29:08 Russian machine gunners into position. Germans run thru field, wild flowers. Explosions. 07:29:43 Planes overhead, then POV bombing and flying; bombs explode, ground PoV. Fighter planes & dogfight, strafing. Russian artillery firing from sunflower field. German tanks burning. Soldiers throwing grenades & tanks hit. 07:31:00 Smoke & sunflowers; Russian infantry wait, heavy smoke past, machine guns firing. Russian infantry firing rifles. Tanks moving and burning. WWII Largest Armored Engagement; July 1943; Operation Citadel; Kursk Campaign; Operation Kutuzov; Operation Polkovodets Rumyantsev; Patience; NOTE: Eastern Front battles may be of mixed dates. This card sold at per reel rate.

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