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Better Way, A Program 161 Pt.1

Reel Number: 221051-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1979

Country: USA


TC Begins: 00:00:02

TC Ends: 00:15:48

Duration: 00:15:46

A Better Way Program 161 1/2 . Male and female presenters summarise program. Titles. Larry Quinn Report on inflation and food prices to come in 1980 w/ Dawson Ahaul (sp?, 00:07:22 sub-titled) from US Dept. of Agriculture predicts 7-11% increase on current year due to inflation causing higher marketing (labor, packaging and transportation) costs. Record levels of pork & poultry production expected to continue. Beef prices to rise. Eggs good value - dairy in general and breads up with rate of inflation. Fruits, vegetables good buy due to successful crops. Vegetable oils from India affected by monsoons. 22:08:30 Presenter (named in sub-titled links to report on role of telephone on energy conservation - joined by guest Joel Babb from USDA’s Rural Electrification Administration. “Let your fingers do the walking” slogan discussed. Telephones. 00:11:56 Discussion no other visuals balance of reel. Economics. Consumer Produce. Farming. Gas Shortage / Crisis. Communications

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