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Blizzard on the Western Front

Reel Number: 220885-22

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1944

Country: Belgium


TC Begins: 02:22:01

TC Ends: 02:27:07

Duration: 00:05:06

Blizzard on the Western Front Pan across snow covered fields. American tanks, painted white, at speed through snow. Tanks down road, snow covered trees. Military vehicles bogged down in snow. Troops struggle against blizzard. Troops digging out path. Snow plough followed by trucks. Soldier with snow covered face directing traffic. Jeeps up and past. Infantry troops marching along snow covered roads. Man clearing snow from wings of small plane. Engineers searching for land mines. Snow plow and men digging. Camouflaged field gun, field telephone. Soldiers relax - toboggan with local children. Battle of the Bulge related ?

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