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Choosing Your Occupation

Reel Number: 221654-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1949

Country: USA


TC Begins: 16:10:35

TC Ends: 16:19:12

Duration: 00:08:37

Choosing Your Occupation (main title missing) Coronet Instructional Films MCU, SOF, presenter / counselor w/ suit & slicked-back hair shakes hands & talks to camera: “won’t you sit down?” “Will what does it take to plan the choosing of your occupation; I suggest two “major investigations.” CU of hand writing two columns in notebook headed ‘Self’ & ‘Occupations’. ‘Self’ column discussed - presenter talks re interests. 16:11:46 CUs of photography as example of hobby turning into profession w/ PoV shot, stills camera held up; INT photographer’s studio; library & classroom shots. 16:12:16 Talks of abilities: baseball game w/ different positions as an example; intelligence test document ‘Primary Mental Abilities’; presenter demonstrates manual dexterity test. Check-up w/ doctor testing patient’s physical abilities - CU blood pressure gauge. ‘Personality’ - two boys work on school paper showing their “sense of responsibility”. 16:14:20 Occupation column of notebook w/ subheadings: Preparation; Atmosphere; Number of jobs. CU pile of advice leaflets & pamphlets including Handbook of Job Facts. 16:15:14 City street scene. Montage of people doing their jobs: store clerk, female secretary at typewriter, man on bulldozer, pilot in cockpit of plane. 16:15:43 CU State College Bulletin - list of degrees, “what will you get out of these?” Trade School brochure. Apprentice on construction site talks to camera SOF “...I like working outdoors”. Atmosphere on the job - INT office w/ VO re working alone vs. in team, nights vs. days etc. 16:16:50 Small helicopter taking off in MCU. “Are more people trained than will be needed in the next five years?” Supply & demand. CU Home Town Telephone Directory - pages flicked through. “We can only guide you...” 16:17:41 Jigsaw animation - pieces labeled ‘preparation’, ‘college’, ‘ambitions’ etc. 16:17:56 Pile of play money w/ dollar bills, cutaway to yachts in marina - “You may find that collecting wealth leaves no time to enjoy it”. “Choose for security...” Postmen in mail sorting office. Teacher in classroom. Astronomer w/ huge telescope. Artist painting landscape at outdoor easel. Boat construction site. Politician on podium. “Your next few years are vital to you...” Counselor gives last pieces of advice leaning towards camera. The End. Careers; Occupational Counseling; High School; Employment; First Person Dialogue; 1940s; 1949; Educational Films; NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.

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