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Discussion In Democracy

Reel Number: 221645-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1948

Country: USA


TC Begins: 20:50:36

TC Ends: 21:00:44

Duration: 00:10:08

Discussion In Democracy Coronet Instructional Film 20:50:56 Four high school students around table arguing (SOF) about recent fires in town. Narrator interupts to say: let’s see what happens if a discussion is prepared, organized. 20:51:33 SOF “...purchase of a new fire engine would save a lot of time... Alice perhaps you have some information on that...” One as a leader keeps them from arguing. Narrator poses questions in voice over. 20:52:30 Peter meets w/ city councilman, asks questions. “We’re glad to have students interested in the business of the city. Now, what can I do for you?” Asked if they’re interested in hearing from students. 20:53:14 “I think the council would be very pleased to hear from the students; we’re getting recommendations from the Chamber of Commerce, Leage of Women Voters....” “...that’s the way true Democracy works.” Boy asks for advice in leading the group. Councilman: “Well to have an effective discussion you, as leader, must help these people to agree; not w/ you, but with each other.” Tells him there needs to be: preparation; planning; personality (who can do it the best). 20:55:08 Student group again around table. CU fire safety outline w/ names beside topics. MS Alice interviewing fire chief beside truck; look at equipment. SOF Reporting back to group: “...salary is so low there have been no applicants for the job in over a year.” 20:56:25 Howard talking (MOS) w/ fireman inspecting new fire engine; brochures. Reports to group; then Betty asked for her report on cost of fire damage & what can be spent to reduce i. 20:57:25 Betty at desk w/ rotary dial telephone, dials; CU letterhead of insurance companies. 20:57:47 Betty explaining (SOF) cost of fire damage. Peter discusses the sum of their reports & dictates a letter to City Council. CUs “What can be done immediately...” “Somebody ought to organize an educational campaign; but who?.” “Maybe, the school!” “Yes, we can help the city have a campaign. Meetings w/ demonstrations.” Summary. The End. 1948; Educational Films; Note: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate.

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