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D.O.A. Pt. 1 of 5
Titles. Dir. Rudolph Mate; w/ Edmond O’Brien, Pamela Britton, Luther Adler, etc. Music by Dimitri Tiomkin
02:01:32 Man walking down corridor to door: Homicide Division, walks in; “I want to report a murder.” Sits, asked who was murdered: “I was.” People in office, looking at him as Sgt. pulls up file for Frank Bigelow. Tells his story... optical effect
02:03:14 Bigelow smoking w/ woman sitting on desk w/ smoldering look, calls secretary, Paula, in to get tax returns. File brought in, woman leaves. Paula: “I want to go with you Frank! She’s very upset. “No I’m sorry I don’t understand! Go to San Francisco but don’t expect me to be waiting for you when you get back.”
02:05:40 Frank tries to calm her down, she won’t let him kiss her, turns her cheek. “Why can’t you be honest w/ me, as honest as I am w/ you.” He wipes her tears, gentle kiss. “We’ll go down to Eddie’s & have a drink.”
02:06:38 Bartender wiping bar, cop reading newspaper. They sit at table, Paula: “This air-conditioning feels good, I sure wish we had it at the office, it would make working a pleasure.” Drink beers. CUs.
02:07:48 Paula: “I know what’s going on inside of you Frank, you’re just like any other man only a little more so; you have a feeling of being trapped, hemmed in & you don’t know whether or not you like it.”
02:08:30 Frank to juke box, plays quiet music. They kiss.
02:09:26 LS Daytime over San Francisco buildings & Bay Bridge. Night & cab pulls up to St. Francis hotel w/ awning, doorman. Frank out & into to hotel desk, watches blonde; gets key & starts to leave when another comes to desk & smiles. Bellhop takes him to room past people drinking in hallway, people dancing rhumba.
02:11:22 Telephones Paula. She talks seductively; then business like w/ message that Eugene Phillips is trying to call him.
02:13:48 Frank lights cigarette, thinking; drink arrives. Salesman from convention comes in to use phone; invites Frank to party in room & introduced to other loud salesmen.
02:15:56 Woman: “Why don’t you get the man a drink before he dies of thirst?” “How about a little bourbon?” Continued...
Feature Film; Hollywood Production; Mystery; Beautiful Women; Dialogue; Love Interests; Alcohol; Traveling Salesmen; Americana Fiction; Myth; Stereotypes; 1950s; Crime; Detectives;
NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: D.O.A. Pt. 1 of 5 Titles. Dir. Rudolph Mate; w/ Edmond O’Brien, Pamela Britton, Luther Adler, etc. Music by Dimitri Tiomkin 02:01:32 Man walking down corridor to door: Homicide Division, walks in; “I want to report a murder.” Sits, asked who was murdered: “I was.” People in office, looking at him as Sgt. pulls up file for Frank Bigelow. Tells his story... optical effect 02:03:14 Bigelow smoking w/ woman sitting on desk w/ smoldering look, calls secretary, Paula, in to get tax returns. File brought in, woman leaves. Paula: “I want to go with you Frank! She’s very upset. “No I’m sorry I don’t understand! Go to San Francisco but don’t expect me to be waiting for you when you get back.” 02:05:40 Frank tries to calm her down, she won’t let him kiss her, turns her cheek. “Why can’t you be honest w/ me, as honest as I am w/ you.” He wipes her tears, gentle kiss. “We’ll go down to Eddie’s & have a drink.” 02:06:38 Bartender wiping bar, cop reading newspaper. They sit at table, Paula: “This air-conditioning feels good, I sure wish we had it at the office, it would make working a pleasure.” Drink beers. CUs. 02:07:48 Paula: “I know what’s going on inside of you Frank, you’re just like any other man only a little more so; you have a feeling of being trapped, hemmed in & you don’t know whether or not you like it.” 02:08:30 Frank to juke box, plays quiet music. They kiss. 02:09:26 LS Daytime over San Francisco buildings & Bay Bridge. Night & cab pulls up to St. Francis hotel w/ awning, doorman. Frank out & into to hotel desk, watches blonde; gets key & starts to leave when another comes to desk & smiles. Bellhop takes him to room past people drinking in hallway, people dancing rhumba. 02:11:22 Telephones Paula. She talks seductively; then business like w/ message that Eugene Phillips is trying to call him. 02:13:48 Frank lights cigarette, thinking; drink arrives. Salesman from convention comes in to use phone; invites Frank to party in room & introduced to other loud salesmen. 02:15:56 Woman: “Why don’t you get the man a drink before he dies of thirst?” “How about a little bourbon?” Continued... Feature Film; Hollywood Production; Mystery; Beautiful Women; Dialogue; Love Interests; Alcohol; Traveling Salesmen; Americana Fiction; Myth; Stereotypes; 1950s; Crime; Detectives; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: