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E.R.P. In Action, No. 2 - A Monthly Film Digest of The Facts & Figures of European Recovery Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221517-13

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950

Country: Belgium,France

Location: Brussels,Paris

TC Begins: 05:03:48

TC Ends: 05:12:01

Duration: 00:08:13

Pt.2 of 2 Ext. Kleber Colombes tire plant / factory outside Paris. Int. w/ editors touring as men working w/ machines. Moving large tires, steam & heat. 05:04:36 Barge on canal or river; int. of editors touring Renault automobile plant. Looking at first Renault; sitting in new small car. 05:05:22 New Land For Old - Normandy. Barry Bingham, Chief of ECA special mission to France w/ editors riding on sledge behind crawler tractor across stubble field & swamp clearance of Marais Verneis. Draining field w/ large plow & men & shovels. Linemen putting up telephone & power lines. Canals & pumping stations. 05:07:01 Title: Bourges French farmyard, farmer w/ tractor plowing. At family table eating bread w/ wine. 05:08:24 Title: OEEC Chateau de la Muette. Interior, American & European VIPs talking & at conference table. 05:08:54 Title: Belgium - Technical Assistance Int. w/ sign Le Plan Marshall, cans & shipping cases for 16mm films. Opening & mounting reel on 16mm projector & group watching & taking notes. Picture on screen. 05:09:53 Group visiting dairy farm w/ Prof. H. B. Henderson, head of Dairy Department of U. of Georgia w/ farmer & looking at woman milking cow, into Brussels Veterinary Laboratory & w/ scientists & technicians. In dairy pasturization room, bottlling operation. Bottles loaded onto distribution carts. Visits dairy store & at milk bar drinking milk. Child & baby drinking milk. The End. Post-WWII European Rebuilding; Marshall Plan; Diplomatic Cooperation; Diplomacy; Cold War; ERP;

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