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German Newsreels ca Sep44 R2 of 2

Reel Number: 221544-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944,1940s

Country: Czechia,Germany,Poland

Location: PRAGA,Warsaw

TC Begins: 07:30:36

TC Ends: 07:35:36

Duration: 00:05:00

German Newsreels ca Sep44 R2 of 2 German tanks past on Western Front, some camouflaged. Half tracks & other vehicles w/ soldiers. Horses & wagons thru village in rain. MCU two soldiers smoking cigarettes, holding grenade launcher; machine gun in grass; CU soldier. VO says its showing orderly retreat vs reality of chaos. 07:31:35 Explosions, Germans move forward slowly, smoking in rain. Dug in, ducking explosions. Stringing telegraph or telephone lines. Firing rockets. King Tiger tanks moving up, firing in fields. Artillery firing. Large explosions. GOOD. 07:33:32 General Ball (?) on Eastern Front looking at map w/ ?? Firing rockets. Tanks moving past. Good battle; rocket launching. Burning city of Praga near Warsaw; moving thru heavy rubble. Dive bombers. View thru tank slit. Firing rifles, grenades, artillery; explosions & destroying already destroyed buildings. Flame throwers. WWII; German Propaganda; American Counter Propaganda; Weapons; Fighting; Battles; Camouflaged Tanks; 1944; NOTE: VERY GOOD combat footage. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.

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