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Haiti - American Troops

Reel Number: 220554-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1917

Country: Haiti

Location: Port-Au-Prince

TC Begins: 00:31:37

TC Ends: 00:42:54

Duration: 00:11:17

Haiti - American Troops during the “Pacification of Haiti and the Dominican Republic” Haitian Gendarmerie march past ? Soldiers leave camp and walk down country road. 00:32:01 Two American Marines with native prisoner who is sewing boots on machine in open air. 00:32:25 Title “The News has leaked out that there are several vacancies in the Prison” . Marine with binoculars spots rebels. Sends message by field telephone. Marines out of barracks and into truck. Marines running out of camp and following armoured car down street. Biplane in flight. Soldiers with pack animals through jungle. Troops crossing river, set up machine gun. Armoured car and marines take up position at edge of town. More troops out of trucks. Troops run into jungle after rebels. Troops in town take aim with rifles. 00:35:31 Captive rebels escorted by troops to prison. Rebels locked up. Soldier walking walls of prison on guard duty. Prisoners breaking rocks. 00:36:44 Title - A Quiet Afternoon in Hayti. Group of locals outside tent - gambling? Cock fighting watched by villagers. 00:37:42 Marines boxing match. Seconds helping boxer in corner. Marines watching. 00:39:29 Title - There are tricks in every trade. This is the way Marines search a native hut for lurking bandits. Marines run into hut, two stay outside on guard duty. Marines mount horses and leave village. 00:40:12 Title “The Peace Conference” Shots VIPs, US officer signing treaty. 00:40:33 Title “With US Marines on guard, the citizens of Port-au-Prince again throng favoured haunts in Cathedral Square” Good shots cathedral with locals. Prisoners. Street scenes Port-au-Prince. Street market. 00:41:24 Rue du Audian - street scene, city fountain - native women collect water. Monument to Jean Jacque Desselines. CU native man. Fire brigade pose next to wagons. Women washing in stream. Marine signaling message. Boat at sea.

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