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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221576-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1939
Country: USA
Location: California,Hollywood
TC Begins: 13:15:27
TC Ends: 13:23:31
Duration: 00:08:04
Hollywood Producers & Directors: Lasky; Wanger (?); Capra; Harry Warner ca 1939 Ext. CBS w/ marquee “..presents Jesse L Lasky Gateway To Hollywood.” 13:15:38 Producer Lasky, a blonde & ? w/ scripts standing by CBS microphone (MOS). 13:16:20 Slate: Towne & Baker, RKO. ?? in hat at desk, other in sunglasses comes in; secretary comes in; they look at books w /illustrated covers. 13:17:24 Man talking on telephone in wood paneled office, MCU. Oscars sitting behind him. Does paperwork. 13:18:04 Man holding slate: Joseph Breen. Breen in & sits at desk, lights cigar, fumbles papers & relights cigar. Reading script. Re-lights cigarette. 13:19:55 Slate: Frank Capra. Director Capra talking w/ four men, looks thru viewfinder & they talk. MCU. MCU lighting cigarette. 13:21:10 Make-up artist applying lip makeup to movie star on lounge in office; blots w/ tissue. MS. Look in mirror & she smiles. 13:22:07 Slate: H.M. Warner. Harry Warner at desk, secretary taking notes; he makes telephone call. MCU. Motion Picture Industry; 1930s; 1939; Studios; Businessman; Businessmen;