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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221389-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1952
Country: USA
TC Begins: 00:31:18
TC Ends: 00:37:23
Duration: 00:06:05
Inflation Pt. 1 of 2 Encyclopaedia Britannica Films / Twentieth Century Fund Longer EB co-production explaining inflation w/ unusually well-produced & acted dialogue scenes. 00:31:43 Good color 1950s city street scenes, people crossing street, sidewalk shots, shoppers. VO “...when inflation does come, it’s like this”: various brief dialogue scenes w/ people complaining about prices & quality of goods inc. man trying on suit “If all you wanted was my right arm, why’d you bother to sew on two sleeves?” More street scenes showing traffic & pedestrians. 00:32:34 Man & woman onto bus; INT driver tells woman “No lady, I said ten cents, no more nickels...”, “Well you don’t have to be so fresh about it”. Male passenger: “So this is what they mean by highway robbery, where did you leave your mask?”, “Look mister, I just drive this loaf, take it up with the government”. 00:32:53 Montage CUs gasoline pump dial; coin counter; cash register. 00:33:02 Man buying groceries at store checkout - more complaints - “Inflation or no inflation you gotta eat, how can I buy anything else if you keep on hiking up the prices?” Woman makes comment about clerk/store manager not understanding English - manager replies “Look mister, I only work for a living same as you, if it costs me more I’ve gotta charge you more”; man on telephone to supplier complains about raised prices; supplier at canning factory telling manufacturer to keep costs down. 00:33:50 Farmer pulls up to camera in tractor - “Whatcha lookin’ at me for? Supposin’ we are better off than we used to be? Don’t use the depression as a yardstick for us, used to be we couldn’t even give our stuff away...” “...machinery, labor, fertilizer, we’re caught in this inflation business same as you.” 00:34:24 Fred arrives home w/ groceries; complaining about prices; wife says he has to get a raise. Fred in meeting at work, boss tells them he can’t give yet another raise but union rep demands it. Fred brooding over issues raised. VO “Poor Fred Andrews.” 00:35:53 Female teacher rants to camera “What do you mean poor Fred Andrews?” - complains about position of public service workers & those w/o unions, conditions in schools etc. 00:36:15 Mayor in office w/ cigar sarcastically: “Mister Mayor I need this, Mister Mayor I need that, Mister Mayor, Mister Mayor, Mister Mayor; Why don’t they call me Mr Superman...” Cutaways to school, road repair, street light, hospital, library, garbage truck; “...and the price of everything is going do you think we’re going to do it unless taxes go up? ...they all blame me for it”. Montage all people who’ve been complaining so far; VO “Hey, hey wait a minute...we’re all to blame in part, now let’s try to get this inflation business straight”. Cont’d... Economics; Post-Korean War Americana; 1950s Fashions; Funny Dialogue; Humor; Educational Films;