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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1865-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 2000s,2006
Country: Iraq,USA
Location: Adimiyah,Baghdad,Middle East,Ramadi
TC Begins: 22:28:58
TC Ends: 22:39:17
Duration: 00:10:19
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Iraq War - Color, 2006: Fighting, Adimiyah, Baghdad; Ramadi, 20May06 N.d. Paratroopers, 2nd Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment - White Falcons firing automatic weapons from windows of concrete building / combat outpost in Adimiyah district of Baghdad near Sadr City. Seen from inside, pick up radio & most leave. More firing & group behind several at windows pointing at targets. 22:31:59 High angle / HA marines in yard behind military vehicles, run. Dozen Marines , & still photographer, beside large military truck 22:32:30 Soldier w/ automatic rifle at window waiting, 22:32:52 Title: Operation Iraqi Freedom - US Marines engage insurgents w/ Iraqi army personnel, Ramadi, 20May06. Street level, CU Marine talking into helmet microphone giving directions for firing. Riflemen firing, running down street, into courtyard. Marines & Iraqis on walkie talkies & helmet phones. Fighting / Battles. Looking at map LS, MS CUs. 22:35:44 Firing from rooftop. Talking from rooftop on backpack field telephone. 22:36:49 Marine unit runs across road, firing. 22:37:21 Firing grenades from rooftop of building w/ mud bricks around roof. 22:38:43 Firing to give cover, POV Marines run along street. 22:39:04 Aircraft over dropping bombs . Not explosions seen. Operation Iraqi Freedom; Air Support; Middle East; 2000s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Very good action, photography & color. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: