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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221125-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950-1953
Country: Korea,South Korea,USA
Location: DC,New York City,Pusan,Seoul,Washington
TC Begins: 21:00:17
TC Ends: 21:11:37
Duration: 00:11:20
Korea: The Long Road To Peace Part 1 of 2 March of Time Forum Films Sign over door U.P. News Room; CU hands on typewriter; CU news coming in over teletype machine re North Korean attack on South Korea in early hours of 25Jun50; man on telephone “Get me Lincoln White of the State Department”. Lincoln White receives call in Washington office; State Department building lit up at night. Battle scenes in Korea - tanks advance - rifles & heavy gun fired - South Korean forces retreating - civilians evacuate w/ possessions - wounded civilians? USAF planes in flight - air to air & air to ground shots - gun camera footage. 21:02:14 01Jul50 - US soldiers arrive in South Korea - GIs engaged in streetfighting. Animated map showing Communist advance w/ only small area left around Pusan. US forces defending Pusan perimeter - heavy shelling - wounded GIs. 21:03:33 Gen John McCaylis of West Point interviewed by Westbrook van Voorhees re first weeks of war when he commanded US Army 27th Infantry “Wolfhound” Regiment - “...very few were willing to fight overwhelming odds...they were in fact fighting for their way of life...strain, intensity, confusion, fatigue that all the men had and yet the remarkable sense of humour...”. Voorhees recalls tension back in US - cut to United Nations Main Gate - INT Security Council in session, USSR delegate Jakob Malek ? accusing US of aggression against Korea - Warren Austin replies “this statement has been repeated over and over through every Soviet-inspired channel on Earth...It is a lie. It is a big lie”. Animated map showing 15Sep50 amphibious attack by Marines at Inchon. 21:06:40 Voorhees in studio w/ Time Life Correspondent Frank Gibney, first American to be wounded in war - talks re Battle of Inchon - “one of the most complex operations I’d ever boldness it was certainly a steal...” 21:07:55 Inchon landing scenes - CU battleships firing - CU Douglas MacArthur watching - Marines in landing craft - building burning - Communist troops out of foxhole w/ hands up - good shot ground-based rockets launched. 24Sep50 - US Marines streetfighting in Seoul - heavy gunfire/ High shot across Seoul after liberation; civilians return - clear-up operation. 21:09:50 Rows of dead South Korean civilians murdered by Communist troops laid out for identification - relatives file past. Animated map showing advance of UN troops past 38th Parallel into North Korea. AV Wake Island - President Truman off plane, greeted by MacArthur - conference building - Truman & MacArthur pose w/ Gen Bradley & Army Secretary Pace - low angle shot MacArthur & Truman shake hands. Animated map showing US 8th Army & 10th Corps advance almost to northern border. Maj Gen Edward Amman ?, Commander of 10th Corps, w/ generals. Lt Gen Walton Walker of 8th Army consults map. Korean War. Anti-Communism. Atrocities.