Korean Cease-Fire Talks - 20Jun - 20Jul51
Combat Bulletin #112
01:01:23 Animated map shows lack of territory changes around 38th Parallel & Kaesong where peace negotiations are taking place.
US officers arrive in field in Kaesong & meet Chinese and / or North Korean representatives. Air Force Rescue helicopter takes off. Kaesong area from helicopter. “W” painted on runway. US negotiators follow Chinese representatives & Chinese woman interpreter. Pan over town of Kaesong. Brief image of US-Chinese conference. US delegates’ helicopter lands in Munsan after conference & crowd of photographers snap photographs; helicopter takes off again.
01:05:19 Admiral Joy outdoors talking w/ N. Koreans & Chinese. Chinese negotiators arrive. Communist troops outside conference room looking like they’re guarding. VO says these images were used as propaganda to make negotiations look like US surrender. Chinese & US delegates exit conference room. US delegation milling about outside nearby billet, newly-built mansion which VO points out doesn’t have a latrine. Group sitting on steps - into jeep, driving off; General Ridgeway out of helicopter.
01:07:48 Return to Kaesong conference - Chinese delegates & soldiers w/ Americans; American shows pictures to Chinese who laughs. Chinese out of conference room & drive off in car.
01:08:49 Gen Ridgway with press reporters. CU Ridgway’s four stars on jeep. Reporters’ convoy stopped by North Koreans outside Kaesong - Communist talking w/ reporters - blocked convoy retreats. POV back crossing amphibious bridge w/ army truck following. Ridgway’s aide Gen Frank A. Allen (SOF) issues statement demanding freedom of movement, removal of troops etc. sound poor. Map shows area around Kaesong.
01:14:00 15Jul51 US soldiers remove white flags from jeeps before returning to Kaesong. Road sign: Kaesong. Crossing bridge. Korean children on roadside. US & Chinese delegations enter conference room. Activities & press around conference room, UN correspondents on steps; Chinese filming & taking still pictures; American & Chinese photographers take pictures of each other. Delegates exit conference & Americans depart. Chinese or North Korean on road holding white flag.
01:15:59 Telephone wire laid out by Americans between Kaesong & Munsan Peace Camp; American calls from field telephone. Construction of relay station north of Seoul to be part of a radio network - South Koreans climbing up steep mountain carrying large boxes & installing antenna.
01:17:22 Two Chinese soldiers chased from conference area by South Korean soldier. 15-21Jul51 - end of negotiations - GV Kaesong - Delegates into conference room. North Korean & Chinese soldiers in line in front of conference building. Empty conference table. LS exterior conference compound.
Korean War; Anti-Communism / Communist; Peace Talks; Negotiations: Diplomacy; Propaganda;
Korean Cease-Fire Talks - 20Jun - 20Jul51 Combat Bulletin #112 01:01:23 Animated map shows lack of territory changes around 38th Parallel & Kaesong where peace negotiations are taking place. US officers arrive in field in Kaesong & meet Chinese and / or North Korean representatives. Air Force Rescue helicopter takes off. Kaesong area from helicopter. “W” painted on runway. US negotiators follow Chinese representatives & Chinese woman interpreter. Pan over town of Kaesong. Brief image of US-Chinese conference. US delegates’ helicopter lands in Munsan after conference & crowd of photographers snap photographs; helicopter takes off again. 01:05:19 Admiral Joy outdoors talking w/ N. Koreans & Chinese. Chinese negotiators arrive. Communist troops outside conference room looking like they’re guarding. VO says these images were used as propaganda to make negotiations look like US surrender. Chinese & US delegates exit conference room. US delegation milling about outside nearby billet, newly-built mansion which VO points out doesn’t have a latrine. Group sitting on steps - into jeep, driving off; General Ridgeway out of helicopter. 01:07:48 Return to Kaesong conference - Chinese delegates & soldiers w/ Americans; American shows pictures to Chinese who laughs. Chinese out of conference room & drive off in car. 01:08:49 Gen Ridgway with press reporters. CU Ridgway’s four stars on jeep. Reporters’ convoy stopped by North Koreans outside Kaesong - Communist talking w/ reporters - blocked convoy retreats. POV back crossing amphibious bridge w/ army truck following. Ridgway’s aide Gen Frank A. Allen (SOF) issues statement demanding freedom of movement, removal of troops etc. sound poor. Map shows area around Kaesong. 01:14:00 15Jul51 US soldiers remove white flags from jeeps before returning to Kaesong. Road sign: Kaesong. Crossing bridge. Korean children on roadside. US & Chinese delegations enter conference room. Activities & press around conference room, UN correspondents on steps; Chinese filming & taking still pictures; American & Chinese photographers take pictures of each other. Delegates exit conference & Americans depart. Chinese or North Korean on road holding white flag. 01:15:59 Telephone wire laid out by Americans between Kaesong & Munsan Peace Camp; American calls from field telephone. Construction of relay station north of Seoul to be part of a radio network - South Koreans climbing up steep mountain carrying large boxes & installing antenna. 01:17:22 Two Chinese soldiers chased from conference area by South Korean soldier. 15-21Jul51 - end of negotiations - GV Kaesong - Delegates into conference room. North Korean & Chinese soldiers in line in front of conference building. Empty conference table. LS exterior conference compound. Korean War; Anti-Communism / Communist; Peace Talks; Negotiations: Diplomacy; Propaganda;