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Korean War - 1950, Korea: United Nations Forces Halt Big Red Push. Aug50

Reel Number: 250089-10

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL and SD

Year / Date: 1950

Country: Korea,South Korea,USA

Location: Lake Success,New York,Seoul

TC Begins: 08:46:49

TC Ends: 08:50:12

Duration: 00:03:23

Title. 08:46:47 General MacArthur & others off plane, shaking hands, walking & leaving by car, MacArthur & Madame Chiang out of car; Chiang Kai Shek. MacArthur shaking hands w/ ?? Swish pan... 08:47:29 General Walton Walker & ?? beside jeep w/ 3-star flag & spotter plane. South Korean troops line road w/ line of trucks into distance. 08:47:47 Good American artillery firing at hill w/ binoculars & radio-telephone. Prisoners marched towards camera. More prisoners searched. 08:48:18 POV aerial strafing attacks on roads. Rockets & bomb hits. 08:48:36 Aerial of harbor & ship in port anchored & alongside dock. MCU troops. UN, US & Korean flags paraded (Good). Swish pan... 08:48:03 Ext. Lake Success UN. Int. Security council meeting w/ Koreans & Russian delegates. 08:48:19 President of Security Council Jacob Malik calls meeting to order; CU Warren Austin speaks SOF: “What member of this Security Council is assisting in the Security Council, the invader....who has the influence & the power to call off the invading Northern Korean army? The Soviet Union!” Korean War; Fighting; Diplomacy; Cold War; Anti-Communist; 1950;