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Korean War - 1951: Kaesong Peace Talks partial

Reel Number: 250072-19

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1951

Country: DpRK,Korea,North Korea

Location: kaesong,MUSAn

TC Begins: 23:00:41

TC Ends: 23:05:28

Duration: 00:04:47

1951 - Korean War: Kaesong Peace Talks LS Troops, trucks, men. MS GIs removing white flag from jeep antenna, 15Jul51. POV enroute across amphibious bridge, passing kids along road & MPs. US officer (Admiral Joy ?) & United Nations / UN delegation arriving; North Koreans arrive. United Nations correspondents sitting, waiting, reading including woman. Military cameramen talking, smoking cigarettes, taking each other’s pictures. Koreans & United Nation delegates leaving building. MCU posing; POV leaving. 23:02:48 UN military carrying roll of cable & stringing wire to Munsan for telephone connections; MS wires laid near helicopters. Men carrying equipment up steep rocky hillside for relay station. Gasoline generators & radio equipment set up. GOOD. 23:04:13 Armed Chinese chased from Kaesong conference area. LS of Conference buildings; MS arrival of United Nations delegates & into building. North Koreans arriving, posing. 23:05:11 Interior w/ conference tables set but empty. The End. Korean War; 1951; Advancing; Fighting; Battles;

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