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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250043-23
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: Korea,USA
Location: DC,Detroit,Michigan,pentagon,Washington
TC Begins: 13:13:04
TC Ends: 13:16:30
Duration: 00:03:26
Korean War - 1951, The President Warns of Red Designs For World Domination. Civil Defense. 13:13:10 28Jul51 Crowd in Cadillac Square, Detroit, Michigan, Truman walk onto platform. 13:13:23 Policeman carries off victim of heat. Line of newsreel cameras, CUs crowd. 13:13:36 President Truman at microphone, SOF: “We will never quit in the fight for world peace. The Communist have asked for talks looking towards a settlement of the Korean conflict. Those talks are in progress. We do not yet know whether the Communists really desire peace in Korea, or whether they are simply trying to gain by negotiations what they have not been able to gain by conquest. We intend to find that out! The talks can be successful if the Communists are in fact ready to give up aggression in Korea. But whatever happens in Korea we must not make the mistake of jumping to the conclusion that the Soviet rulers have given up their ideas of world conquest. They may talk about peace, but it is action that counts. We hope & believe that we will not have to use the armed strength that we are building up. Our aim is to put an end to war. But we know that unless we have armed strength we cannot put out the fires of aggression that threaten the peace of the world at this time. The aim of this administration is World Peace. My term in office is dedicated to bringing us closer to that goal. Our great chance lies in building us such strength & unity among the Free Nations that the Kremlin will have to drop its plans of aggression & subversion. When we reach that point there can be peace between the Soviet Union & the rest of the world. They can have peace anytime they want it! 13:15:22 Title: News In Brief. LS Pentagon building. Int. w/ officer & pointer pointing to northern Canada & Alaska on wall map as officers of the Air Command listen around table. 13:15:39 CU sign: Restricted Area Authorized Personnel Only. View thru doorway, Air Force Colonel on telephone at desk. Row of clocks on wall: Greenwich, San Francisco, Moscow, Tokyo. Man sitting at desk w/ ten telephones, talking on one. MCU many telephones CU sign: Phonetic Alphabet A - Able, B-Baker etc. 13:16:03 MS Older women & a few men, listening to AF officer w/ model planes. Civil Defense. Group around plotting room table. Volunteers on rooftops watching sky w/ binoculars. Korea Peace Talks; Cold War; Anti-Communist Propaganda; Presidential Speeches; Red Scare; 1950s; Paranoia; Paranoid; Fear;