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life In Hungary 1953 - Industry

Reel Number: 221084-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1953

Country: Hungary


TC Begins: 09:52:12

TC Ends: 09:55:58

Duration: 00:03:46

life In Hungary 1953 - Industry Charts showing growth in Hungarian industry. Male workers operating heavy machinery in factory. Tracking shot through factory office showing secretary taking dictation & flowchart on wall - Hungarian industrial targets ? Workers given instructions to take to line managers? Factory floor scenes - male & female workers - worker rides on forklift / motorised cart - components loaded & counted - worker filling in log bookt. INT factory office - telephone call received from men at monitoring station? - dialogue scene. CU wall clock 7:00. Post-WWII Hungary. Eastern Europe. USSR. 1950s.