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Michael Discovers The Magnet

Reel Number: 221375-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1955

Country: USA


TC Begins: 16:00:12

TC Ends: 16:10:39

Duration: 00:10:27

Michael Discovers The Magnet Encyclopaedia Britannica Jr. Film 16:00:42 Boy eating breakfast in kitchen looks up, “Say, Mom, How did you do that?” How does it work etc. Mother tells him he can play w/ her new magnetic board when he comes home. 16:01:17 Michael runs in from school & tries magnet on different surfaces, bottle, cabinet, board etc. Tries on different metals. 16:02:01 Playing at table while father writing checks. They talk about what the magnetic sticks to & how it only works w/ iron & steel, not brass. Mother takes magnet away, dad says he’ll get him one tomorrow to experiment with. 16:03:20 Brings home two horse-shape & two bar magnets. Michael plays w/ various things. 16:03:54 Puts on a magic show for his friends using magnets to manipulate things. Kid applaud. Moving tacks, explains polarity & the poles of the magnet. Shows force fields w/ iron filings across cardboard & varying strength of fields. Opposition of poles shown. 16:07:33 More applause. Shows how to magnetize a needle by stroking in same direction. Then makes compass. 16:08:58 Uses of magnets: can openers; radios; telephone shown; salesman w/ appliances. 16:09:48 Kids at table doing experiments w/ magnets. Dialogue; Applause; Science; Physics; Educational Films; Instructions; Audience - Children; Elementary School; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.