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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221681-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1920s,1930s
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin,Munich
TC Begins: 20:42:20
TC Ends: 20:51:12
Duration: 00:08:52
Titles: The Nazi Plan - Part 1, The Rise of the NSDAP 1921-1933. Alfred Rosenberg Describes The Early Nazi Struggles For Power. 20:42:38 Flag, CU Hitler, banners, Early footage of Nazi parade. Goebbels. Hitler & storm troopers. Brown Shirts in street. Riots & running. violence; police chasing. Newspaper headlines. NSDAP banners. Goebbels on telephone. 20:44:43 Italian Fascists w/ Dr. Santoni. 20:45:01 Title: Reichsporteitag Nurnberg 1927. Hitler, Hess, Streicher & others; troops thru streets. Ceremony. 20:45:38 TItle: Julius Streicher. MCU in street. Hitler posing w/ many officials on large steps. 20:46:15 Outdoor meeting Kolonne / Cologne (?) w/ storm troopers & ?? 22Aug27. Hitler speaks (MOS) w/ inter-titles. 20:48:03 Title: 1929. Thru old city, marching & Hitler in car. Hitler throws flowers to troops. 20:48:47 Tilte: Hitler’s First Speech As Chancellor 30Jan33. (missing). Night & torchlight parade. 20:49:08 Daytime. Nazi troops outside Munich newspaper office. Title: Gewerkschaftshaus. Troops & machine gun on sidewalk. Patrolling street & park. Newspaper headline. Various troops in black uniforms & brown uniforms. 20:50:00 Title: Election Day In Berlin 05Mar33. (SOF) Von Hindenburg leaves voting booth. Others voting. Man talks to camera. Depression; Germany; Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2; Officials; Nuremberg;