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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221253-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1920s
Country: Germany
Location: Nuremburg
TC Begins: 19:12:38
TC Ends: 19:24:09
Duration: 00:11:31
The Nazi Plan (Prosecution Exhibit 1232) R1 of Affidavit by E.R. Kellogg, Commander USNR, read by narrator over picture of certificate of affidavit by US Navy Department stating except for English titles it is all as received w/ German titles and language and not altered or retouched. Sworn before James B. Donavan, Commander, USNR, Berlin, 15Nov45. 19:14:37 Part I The Rise of the NSDAP 1921 - 1933. Title: Alfred Rosenberg describes the early Nazi struggle for Power. At desk in uniform speaking to camera (SOF) 19:18:00 Fluttering swastika, Hitler as a young man, NSDAP banner, headlines, early parade of civilians, Brownshirts & crowds, Goebbels standing in car speaking (MOS) in leather coat, Nazi party members around him, crowd giving fascist salute. 19:18:28 Hitler & others walking at night thru saluting Nazis. Shots of Goebbels, bugle, hall interior. 19:18:44 International Aussteilung (sp?) Barcelona w/ fascists marching outside hall, daytime. 19:18:51 Newsreel shots of early riot in a city square from above & in MCU on ground. 19:19:06 Newspaper headlines of Ludendorff and Hitler jailed. Police & civilians behind fence. CU Hitler’s party card. Nazi Brownshirts & ?? parade along street from passing car. Goebbels in office w/ telephone, telegram re a visiting Italian member of the Fascist party Dr. Santoni (Santoni?), talking w/ two Nazis (one is Baldur von Schirach?) outside meeting hall. 19:20:14 Arrival of various Nazis (in front of street cars & crowds) saluting. 19:20:23 Title: Reichspateitag Nurnberg. 1927 over parade. Ext. Hitler, Hess & Streicher outside building. Overhead shot of small group w/ banner marching in street alongside trolley, people wave. 19:20:43 Hitler w/ Gregor Strasser (in cap), other Nazis w/ rucksacks behind. 19:20:52 Title: Deutschland Erwache! Banner w/ NSDAP & slogan Deutschland Erwache held by nazis. 19:21:00 Title: Julius Streicher. Standing & posing on street. Hitler, Hess others on street. Title: Auch die ubrigen Fuehrer begrupen die Ankommenden. 19:21:16 Leaders posing on steps of ?? Hitler & others get in car & leave. Hitler thru streets standing in car. 19:21:37 Title: ??Kolonne reiht sich an kolonne. Group of fascists in filed, pan over. Fife & drum marching unit. 19:21:54 Title: re 22Aug27 ??? Rally w/ banners & marching in front of trees in park (?). Leaders on slope watch, camera pans across. Hitler addresses crowd (MOS) w/ German intertitle. Saluting as Hitler reviews parade in car. Along street. 19:23:25 1929 Parade thru Nuremberg & Hitler in car thru streets. Old WWI soldier w/ medals saluting next to smiling Goering. Massive crowd in square. Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2 Nazi History; War Crimes Trial Evidence; 1920s;