08:00:30 HA pan across leafy town of Millwood.
08:00:57 Ext typical family house w/ porch. INT young boy Richard asleep in bedroom.
08:01:19 Workers on dairy production line, CUs bottles filling; milkman delivering milk. CU Richard asleep. Bakers in factory, delivery man into truck. CU Richard turns over. Semi-trucks past on highway; butcher unloads meat from back of truck.
08:02:05 Ext & Int, female telephone operators at switchboard. Water plant - technicians checking gauges. Engineer keep watch at power plant. Post office sorting room. Male & female journalists at newspaper office; man operating linotype machine; printing press in action; stacks of newspapers dropped onto sidewalk outside shops. Richard still in bed.
08:03:40 Paper boy cycles past, throws newspaper. Richard gets up & leaves for school - sees linemen repairing telephone wires - traveling shot follows him as he passes shops on high street, VO pointing out that store clerks are “doing important work for their neighbors”.
08:04:44 Various transportation methods in town: woman & man into yellow cab; people onto city bus - 08:05:12 Greyhound bus along street. Railroad signal; steam locomotive pulls out of station. US mail truck pulls away from station; mail helicopter brings mail from outside city - takes off. American Airlines passenger jet landing at airport; passengers off plane.
08:06:18 Children into junior high school. Residential street scenes; modern buildings, factories & offices - housewife out of shop w/ kids - postman.
08:07:11 EXT City Hall - INT Mayor at desk - police HQ - policeman helps mother & child across road & directing traffic - motorist given ticket. CU fire house bell ringing - firemen down pole, onto fire truck & down street. Street repair w/ jackhammer, street light replaced; drinking water monitored in lab, food hygiene inspection at bakery - garbage collection - city dump.
08:08:52 Recreation: mothers & babies at playground; kids play on community ball field - kids on jungle gym & see-saws / teeter-totters, tennis courts. EXT Recreation Center - EXT & INT city library - books & educational film cans. Richard outside family church for Sunday school.
08:09:52 Richard outside TV & radio station; INT Howdy Doody children’s television program being filmed w/ puppet & female presenter - control room; Richard at home turns on television set. EXT Varsity movie theatre marquee reads ‘It’s Movietime USA Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the American Movie Theatre’. Richard’s father at bowling alley.
08:10:41 Richard goes to bed - “the community’s work never stops” - baker taking bread out of oven, milk on conveyor belt, newspaper press, electricity & water plants - ends abruptly.
1950s Americana / Small Town Life; Daily Life; Businesses; 1952;
Titles. 08:00:30 HA pan across leafy town of Millwood. 08:00:57 Ext typical family house w/ porch. INT young boy Richard asleep in bedroom. 08:01:19 Workers on dairy production line, CUs bottles filling; milkman delivering milk. CU Richard asleep. Bakers in factory, delivery man into truck. CU Richard turns over. Semi-trucks past on highway; butcher unloads meat from back of truck. 08:02:05 Ext & Int, female telephone operators at switchboard. Water plant - technicians checking gauges. Engineer keep watch at power plant. Post office sorting room. Male & female journalists at newspaper office; man operating linotype machine; printing press in action; stacks of newspapers dropped onto sidewalk outside shops. Richard still in bed. 08:03:40 Paper boy cycles past, throws newspaper. Richard gets up & leaves for school - sees linemen repairing telephone wires - traveling shot follows him as he passes shops on high street, VO pointing out that store clerks are “doing important work for their neighbors”. 08:04:44 Various transportation methods in town: woman & man into yellow cab; people onto city bus - 08:05:12 Greyhound bus along street. Railroad signal; steam locomotive pulls out of station. US mail truck pulls away from station; mail helicopter brings mail from outside city - takes off. American Airlines passenger jet landing at airport; passengers off plane. 08:06:18 Children into junior high school. Residential street scenes; modern buildings, factories & offices - housewife out of shop w/ kids - postman. 08:07:11 EXT City Hall - INT Mayor at desk - police HQ - policeman helps mother & child across road & directing traffic - motorist given ticket. CU fire house bell ringing - firemen down pole, onto fire truck & down street. Street repair w/ jackhammer, street light replaced; drinking water monitored in lab, food hygiene inspection at bakery - garbage collection - city dump. 08:08:52 Recreation: mothers & babies at playground; kids play on community ball field - kids on jungle gym & see-saws / teeter-totters, tennis courts. EXT Recreation Center - EXT & INT city library - books & educational film cans. Richard outside family church for Sunday school. 08:09:52 Richard outside TV & radio station; INT Howdy Doody children’s television program being filmed w/ puppet & female presenter - control room; Richard at home turns on television set. EXT Varsity movie theatre marquee reads ‘It’s Movietime USA Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of the American Movie Theatre’. Richard’s father at bowling alley. 08:10:41 Richard goes to bed - “the community’s work never stops” - baker taking bread out of oven, milk on conveyor belt, newspaper press, electricity & water plants - ends abruptly. 1950s Americana / Small Town Life; Daily Life; Businesses; 1952;