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Palestine Arab & Jewish Daily Life, 1938

Reel Number: 221550-17

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1938,1930s

Country: Israel,Palestine

Location: Ben Shemen,Nes Ziona

TC Begins: 18:18:43

TC Ends: 18:27:44

Duration: 00:09:01

Palestine Arab & Jewish Daily Life, 1938 Dirt street of Ness Ziona & Ben Shemen w/ people walking, standing. Arabs on left of road, Jews on right side. 18:19:04 Two Jewish women & Arabs walking. Women w/ jugs on heads; men on bicycles & walking past. 18:19:28 Ben Shemen, Junior agriculture village, w/ Jewish young people folk dancing in two lines as others watch. MS facing line. 18:20:17 Young boys & girls at side of clearing playing flutes, drums & orchestra instruments for dancers. CUs. 18:20:32 Boys running & jumpng in swimming pool, various angles. 18:21:00 Girls & boys editing newspaper & printing on mimeograph machine. 18:21:21 Palestine Orchestra in concert lead by Dobrowen conducting last movement of Tchaikowsky Fourth Symphony. MCU violins. Bows, musicians stand. 18:22:59 Pipes at docks of Iraq Petroleum Company, workers eating. 18:23:20 Storage tanks in tank farm. 18:23;37 Workman taking oil sample, measuring oil. Men working on top of tank polishing (?). Man opening large valve. Man filling bottle w/ sample. 18:24:30 Two men walking toward camera, tank form behind. Terminal Superintendent’s chart or board. 18:24:52 Cranes on dock; oil pipes on dock w/ men working. 18:25:12 Int. Tel Aviv City Hall City Council meeting w/ Mayor Rokach. Members listen to speeches. 18:25:59 MS George Wadsworth, American Consul-General, in Jerusalem office talking on telephone, writing. talking on phone. 18:26:24 Exterior, leaving office & into large chauffeured car. 18:26:37 MS Gen. Wavell greeting Sir Charles Tegart. Others standing talking. 18:26:58 Soldiers drill in kilts (brief). 18:27:02 MCU Sir Charles Tegart, terrorism expert w/ soft hat, talkign w/ Intelligence Officr. 18:27:08 MCU Mrs. Rose Halpern, ex-president of Hadasah & Dr. H. Yasaky, director of Hadassah in Palestine. 18:27:15 POV from car thru Tulkarm street. 18:27:25 Sheep grazing w/ Arab shepherd; camels & burros along road. 1938 Daily Life; Zionism; Settlers; Near East; 1930s;

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