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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221587-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 19:22:28
TC Ends: 19:33:36
Duration: 00:11:08
Paradise Express Pt. 3 of 4 CU newspaper column, “two new customers, two new accidents.” Doyle comes to Armstrong Trucking Co. & threatens if it happens again. Armstrong arrives w/ new rulings from Interstate Commerce Commission that allows railroad to meeting the trucking company rates. “This will hit us pretty hard.” “I’ll handle it myself.” 19:24:14 Carson into RR office upset: “why are you sitting there like lump on bog, I mean a bump on a log.” Armstrong follows Doyle into RR office. “I’m going to build this road up, not break it!” Offered a bride. “I’m going to run you out of business, Armstrong. You’re not a legitimate trucking outfit, you’re a racketeer! Now get out! 19:26:48 Newspaper headline: “Doyle Orders Speed Test” Train backing to freight cars. Train pulls out of station in early morning light. Convertible follows w/ Doyle & Kay in fur collared coat. She says she appreciates what he’s done; he drives off road & they are snuggled in the car. 19:29:14 Train w/ much steam runbys, blowing whistle. 19:29:29 Trotter having beer as fiance, Maggie, washes glasses in cafe & he describes throwing out Armstrong. Tells big story as Doyle & Kay come in. 19:31:12 Train runby. Carson w/ rail controller in office. Intercut w/ cafe & train runbys & updates on speed. 19:32:50 Engineer sees switch change; wreck & aftermath. Truck pulls away. 19:33:23 Telephone report of the wreck. Engineer & fireman killed. Continued... Americana; Railroad; Family Business Stereotypes; Lawyer; Economics; Capitalism; Competition; 1930s B Movie Feature Film; 1937; Comedy; NOTE: Film is public domain but music rights are unknown. User is responsible for clearing any necessary rights. NOTE: Any continuous one minute sold at per reel rate.