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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221709-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Norway,Sweden
Location: stockholm
TC Begins: 02:43:26
TC Ends: 02:56:48
Duration: 00:13:22
Post-WWII - 1945, Sweden 02:43:50 Postwar Stockholm street scenes at night - neon lights - pedestrians. VO re Sweden in WW2; INT newspaper office, journalist talking in Swedish on telephone to Berlin correspondent who holds phone up so he can hear noise of bombing. Burning buildings - bombers flying over - bombs away. 02:45:11 Type-setting; printing presses - VO re one of only free presses w/ access to Germany. Daytime street scenes w/ VO re wartime neutrality - trolley cars, traffic, pedestrians, shops, sidewalk cafe. Kids in swimming pool. Crowded beach. King Gustaf V playing tennis & signing autographs. Air raid shelters on street - people on bicycles due to gasoline shortage. Man fills up car modified w/ charcoal burner. Ration stamps exchanged at store & used in restaurant. 02:47:12 Map of Northern Europe showing Nazi-controlled areas. Himmler in Norway ? & unhappy Norwegians queuing. Norwegian refugees crossing snowy frontier on skis - border post w/ Swedish flag. Soldiers patrolling fortified coastline across from Denmark. Finnish children looked after in Sweden. 02:48:38 Passengers off Tri-motor plane at Stockholm - Customs & immigration checks. EXT Grand Hotel Stockholm - INT dining room w/ visitors eating lavish meals at “gold rush prices”. 02:49:20 Swedish flag on pole. Int. meeting of Swedish military General Staff. Squadron of Swedish ski planes taking off on snow & air to air shots. Line of Swedish troops ski through snow w/ equipment. German troops using Swedish railroad for access to Norway. Title ‘In temporizing w/ Germany without surrendering to her, wartime Sweden followed the middle road which has long been the Swedish way of life’. 02:50:58 Annual opening of Parliament ceremony attended by King - VO re strong economy. Modern school. Rows of children receive dental care in sparkling clean ward. Hydroelectric dam. Freight train along railroad. Farmers harvest & plow w/ horses & machinery. Sign ‘Kooperativa Forbundet’ - co-operative food store. 02:52:27 INT good shot of Swedes being served by female store clerks, shelves of goods behind counter, food ration stamps exchanged. Apartment blocks built & managed by co-operatives. 02:52:52 Factory complex. INT workers on production lines inc. woman making boxes - workers in busy canteen. Union leaders at labor meeting - VO “have a deep sense of their responsibilities”. 02:53:34 Harbor & dock shots. Imported coal unloaded at docks. Swedish iron ore prepared for export, hill dynamited; steel industry scenes. Lumber industry - logs floated down flume & river then up conveyor into mill. Huge piles of wood fuel outside apartment buildings. Wood pulp processed; cattle eating wood pulp fodder. 02:55:40 Fishing industry - boat unloaded. Women sell fish at outdoor market in town square. Troops march in ceremonial dress - crowd waves Swedish flags as King passes in horse-drawn carriage. The End. Travelogues; Tourism; Scandinavians; Economics; 1945 Post-WW2; Nazi Occupation; Royalty; Industry; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.