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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221353-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1968
Country: USA
Location: DC,Hawaii,Honolulu,Texas,Washington
TC Begins: 14:22:41
TC Ends: 14:33:49
Duration: 00:11:08
The President - April 1968 Pt. 3 of 4 CU 1968 Civil Rights Act w/ Received date stamp. CU of Black smiling & pan over other Blacks; LBJ at microphone speaking after signing. Talks of the signing of the 1964 Bill (interstate accomodations); of the 1965 Act (voting rights) & now this Fair Housing Bill guarantee being part of the American Way of Life. Picture of Pres. Johnson’s signature on the bill. 14:25:42 CU Dogwood & cherry blossoms blooming. Washington DC scenics; kids being photographed, playing on playground equipment. Downtown street scenes & people in city parks sitting on lawns. 14:26:45 Pedernales River & Johnson ranch scenes, flowers, horses, family walking w/ friends. Photographers taking pictures. Kids, pet rabbit, Lin Nugent playing w/ grandmother & grandfather on lawn. 14:28:13 CU telephone on table beneath Air Force One, man boards, views from plane & meeting onboard w/ William Bundy, Cyrus Vance, Angier Biddle Duke, Adm Wheeler, Walt Rostow, Winthrop Brown. CU LBJ talking w/ various. CU man typing w/ phone to ear. 14:29:57 Rolling out red carpet for Presidental party arrival in Honolulu; greeted by Gov. John Burns & Adm Grant Sharp Jr. Crowds w/ pennants, leis, signs, motorcade thru confetti & firecrackers. 14:30:53 Hula dancer, people w/ flags, state house. Sign: CINCPAC Command Center w/ military officers & LBJ at desk. Voice of LBJ over: night & Military Airlift Command plane w/ Chung Hee Park, President of South Korea getting off. Military band playing, flags waving. 14Apr68 View of Henry J. Kaiser estate w/ Diamond Head behind; various views of interior w/ LBJ meeting w/ Pres. Chung & aides. Looking at various drafts & reports. Military standing talking. LBJ boarding plane & waving goodbye. 60s; Vietnam War; Diplomacy;