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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221185-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: USA
TC Begins: 20:22:18
TC Ends: 20:32:03
Duration: 00:09:45
Productivity: Key to Plenty Pt 1 of 2 Encyclopaedia Britannica & The Twentieth Century Fund Residential street w/ neighborhood houses, kids play as father mows lawn. Man sits in chair reading magazine, another man washing car. Turns on car radio. 20:24:08 Mother or wife in kitchen puts pan of water on gas stove, gets food out of refrigerator. Daughter putting a stack of 78rpm records on automatic record player, turns on light; CU telephone. Woman putting flowers on table. 20:25:11 Main street of city, pedestrians, people window shopping. Man at service station gas pump, movie theater marquee, sign. People into various buildings. Main street traffic w/ cars. 20:25:56 Statistics & animated charts of world & USA population vs goods and services. Animation of US vs workers output of other countries. 20:27:53 Glass blowing by hand. Machine makes bottles 4000 per hour. Road maintenance, printing, woman at bookkeeping calculator & other machines working. Steel mill, large open pit mining steam shovel. 20:29:36 Water wheel at mill, gears & shafts grinding grain. 20:30:02 Conestoga wagon pulled by team past, blacksmith at work making horseshoes. Handmaking barrel staves, shoemaking. Plowing w/ oxen. 20:31:00 Charts comparing animal power, man power, machine power. Continued... 1950s Americana; Leisure; Economics; Workers; Capitalism; Frontier; Labor; Comfort; History;