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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220314-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1964
Country: USA
TC Begins: 18:42:33
TC Ends: 18:59:50
Duration: 00:17:17
Pt. 2 of 2 Man w/ geiger counter taking radioactivity reading in shelter. Occupants trying to sleep, young woman writing in her diary about events of the day. Close ups of various people as young woman describes them & their reactions. Young boy tries to help stranger. Stranger gives bag to manager of shelter in case there is anything that could help in the communal stock cupboard - contents of bag include sleeping pills & Benadril. Stranger is depressed about conditions above ground. Arguments. Young woman faints when she discovers the place where her Father was has been hit. 18:47:52 Day two - writing in diary. Shelter life continues. Night comes. Day three - morale falling. Bible classes - complaints about food. Day four - temperature rising. Stranger loses his temper when young boy tries to get him to play home made guitar. Young woman who is acting shelter doctor says she is worried about health of stranger. Takes temperature - says it looks like scarlet fever, not radiation sickness. They try to contact hospital. Makes them realise they are isolated and frightened. 18:55:09 Man in shelter answers telephone - hands to young woman who is acting Shelter doctor. She speaks to hospital on phone, relays symptoms etc. Stranger realises he has tablets to combat allergy. Young woman hears that her father is safe. Young woman berates stranger for his attitude. 18.58.50 Day seven, Sunday. Stranger now joining in - starts community singing to raise spirits. 1950s; 1960s; Atomic War; Government Propaganda; Cold War; Public Shelters; Air Raid;