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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221117-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 06:28:50
TC Ends: 06:37:58
Duration: 00:09:08
Radio Broadcasting Today Part 1 of 2 March of Time Forum Edition CU clock strikes 9.00 - ‘On The Air’ sign lights up - controllers in radio booth - Titles. CU telephone ringing, chubby man out of shower holding towel round waist, caller asks “This is a nationwide survey, were you listening to your radio just now?” - “No I am not!” Woman on bed listening to radio - receives same call - “why yes I’m listening to the Radio Theatre”. Montage people listening to radio - teenagers on beach, men in hardware store, mother w/ child - VO “Americans stand most in fear of a moment’s silence” - radio “a sure and ever present escape from their own lives...” CU sign ‘CE Hooper, Inc. Broadcast Audience Measurement’ - office scenes - ‘Hooperatings’ Network Program brochures - CUs monitoring equipment. 06:31:04 Jack Benny consults audience figures for his Sunday show. Recording of Fibber McGee & Molly Show ? - sound effects man - NBC microphones visible. Bob Hope into open-top car surrounded by fans - girls hold out autograph books - plays gag & drives away. 06:32:15 Ventriloquist Edgar Bergin w/ puppets Charlie McCarthy & Mortimer Snerd - performs sketch for writer/producer - “we might tighten it up a little”. CU door ‘American Broadcasting Corporation Newsroom’. INT Walter Winchell in meeting. Fred Allen performing radio sketch show. EXT shots vars national & regional radio stations. Newspaper stories re money from sponsorship deals. Dialogue scene w/ two writers trying to tailor sketch to avoid alienating sponsor & network. 06:34:58 Dialogue scene - writers & network head meet w/ sponsor Consolidated Sardines - asks to hear radio jingle sung by three women - “Consolidated Sardines, America’s delight!”; sponsor goes through script - VO re power held by sponsors to pick broadcast times, remove material etc. Listeners look at new radio sets in electrical stores. Federal Communications Commission - CU plaque - INT office w/ map of US wavelengths. License renewal hearing - VO almost no applications turned down even though “flagrant transgressions against good taste and programme balance continued unchecked”. FCC report ‘Public Service Responsibility of Broadcast Licensees’. 06:37:10 Record on turntable - zoom out to show DJ in booth - VO criticising commercialisation of music programmes - DJ at mic after song finished “Now let me tell you about McTavish’s Skinless Wienies - mmmmm! - so long, so pink, so flavour rich...” Broadcasting. Advertising - Commercials. Jokes. Gags. Hollywood Stars. Entertainment.