Continued... Pt. 2 of 3
“...already selected it for you: “How the new Communist life benefits children.” She continues that he should not refuse. Three Russian soldiers walk in, search the house. Jerry confronts them “...we need no warrant, your daughter has volunteered for farm work...” Daughter down stairs: “...I did volunteer...the
party convinced me I should free myself of the lingering bourgoise value of family life.”
19:11:54 Donavan at lathe in machine shop; sign behind: “Today’s Quota...”
19:12:42 Wife helping kids pack to go away to State School instead of Sunday School. “You’re not going to send these kids away...” “It was our’s your fault, you should have spent more time training us to think along party lines. As a member of the Young Pioneers it will be my duty to report you.” “ two are going to Sunday School & you’re going right now!” He drags them to church, finds its turned into People’s Museum.
19:14:14 Townspeople staring. He takes them inside & sees its an Exhibit of Soviet Inventions. “...this was not invented by a Russian...” picks up telephone. “...the rotten system you call Communism.” Troops called.
19:15:21 Int. of court w/ Donavan in witness box, crimes read to him & call for confession. ”State needs no proof...I ask now that he be sentenced.” Donavan speaks, judges look cold. Spectators murmur. Wife tells prosecutor that he tried to turn his kids against the State; calls other witnesses to say the State’s charges are corrrect. “...he has challenged the Supreme authority of the State, its practices & its decisions....he must be eradicated...” “Comrade Donavan you are hereby sentenced to be shot.”
19:18:47 Death chamber w/ Donavan chained under bare light. Executor pulls pistol. Donavan: “You just tell your government that some day its own people are going to get wise to it; some day there’s going to be enough holes in that Iron Curtain that all of your people will be able to escape to freedom...” Camera moves inot barrel of pistol which fires w/ cloud of smoke, dissolve to fog & Jack Webb.
17:20:18 “Don’t worry...its time to bring you back from that Red nightmare.”
19:20:46 Donavan sits up in bed in a sweat, wipes hair, confused. Goes downstairs, gives wife big kiss. Kids run in, boy wants a space helmet. Dad agrees. He goes out, picks up newspaper & sees daughter & boy friend; calls to them & agrees to talk about the marriage. “We have decided to least until I’ve finished my hitch in the service.” They go in to eat. Continued...
Xenophobia; Anti-Communist; 1960s; 1962; Fiction; Hollywood Propaganda; Red Scare; Cold War;
NOTE: Any 15 minutes of film for per reel rate.
55 minute, 6R, version Freedom & You on LN 501-271 & 220769.
Continued... Pt. 2 of 3 “...already selected it for you: “How the new Communist life benefits children.” She continues that he should not refuse. Three Russian soldiers walk in, search the house. Jerry confronts them “...we need no warrant, your daughter has volunteered for farm work...” Daughter down stairs: “...I did volunteer...the party convinced me I should free myself of the lingering bourgoise value of family life.” 19:11:54 Donavan at lathe in machine shop; sign behind: “Today’s Quota...” 19:12:42 Wife helping kids pack to go away to State School instead of Sunday School. “You’re not going to send these kids away...” “It was our’s your fault, you should have spent more time training us to think along party lines. As a member of the Young Pioneers it will be my duty to report you.” “ two are going to Sunday School & you’re going right now!” He drags them to church, finds its turned into People’s Museum. 19:14:14 Townspeople staring. He takes them inside & sees its an Exhibit of Soviet Inventions. “...this was not invented by a Russian...” picks up telephone. “...the rotten system you call Communism.” Troops called. 19:15:21 Int. of court w/ Donavan in witness box, crimes read to him & call for confession. ”State needs no proof...I ask now that he be sentenced.” Donavan speaks, judges look cold. Spectators murmur. Wife tells prosecutor that he tried to turn his kids against the State; calls other witnesses to say the State’s charges are corrrect. “...he has challenged the Supreme authority of the State, its practices & its decisions....he must be eradicated...” “Comrade Donavan you are hereby sentenced to be shot.” 19:18:47 Death chamber w/ Donavan chained under bare light. Executor pulls pistol. Donavan: “You just tell your government that some day its own people are going to get wise to it; some day there’s going to be enough holes in that Iron Curtain that all of your people will be able to escape to freedom...” Camera moves inot barrel of pistol which fires w/ cloud of smoke, dissolve to fog & Jack Webb. 17:20:18 “Don’t worry...its time to bring you back from that Red nightmare.” 19:20:46 Donavan sits up in bed in a sweat, wipes hair, confused. Goes downstairs, gives wife big kiss. Kids run in, boy wants a space helmet. Dad agrees. He goes out, picks up newspaper & sees daughter & boy friend; calls to them & agrees to talk about the marriage. “We have decided to least until I’ve finished my hitch in the service.” They go in to eat. Continued... Xenophobia; Anti-Communist; 1960s; 1962; Fiction; Hollywood Propaganda; Red Scare; Cold War; NOTE: Any 15 minutes of film for per reel rate. 55 minute, 6R, version Freedom & You on LN 501-271 & 220769.