Russian News of the Day 1971 #33 September
‘Hello school’. Various pupils on the way to 1st September’s school reopening, crowd outside newly built school building, headmaster presented w/ big symbolic key, CU kids w/ flowers, high angle square. Young 1st year boy and girl cut ribbon, children enter school. 1st year pupil in classroom, teacher at the front.
21:17:34 Boys w/ trumpets, high angle big square outside Moscow Higher Technical School named after Bauman, CU students w/ flowers, 1st year students presented w/ big symbolic key to education and big students card, applause, guy sets fire to knowledge torch.
21:18:10 Hydroplane on water on river Kalma, shots of buildings on the shore, name of the city - Naberezhnie Chelni, high angle of biggest Europe truck factory construction site, shots of various team names on the placards, CU workers, welding, constructing. New residental apartment houses under construction for future factory workers, trucks on the road, sign - all union building site.
21:19:57 Moscow, 26th anniversary Democratic Republic of Vietnam celebration meeting, high angle hall, CU audience. On podium - chairman of Moscow’s city committee of KPSU Yagatkin, with greetings from CPSU, Deputy chairman Novikav, applause, & DRV government representative, applause, CU placard praising Soviet-Vietnamese frienship.
21:20:59 Moscow, 16 country flags on poles, people at opening of exibition - Surgery 1971. Exibition halls , w/ various medical equipment, automatic surgery beds, x-ray machines. Kremlin, 24th congress of International Surgery Society, high angle meeting hall, CU audience. USSR health minister academican Petrovsky, various speakers & audience.
21:22:33 Grain harvest, line of big combines in the field from various angles. Drivers work thru night, outside storage at night, man moves grain w/ shovel, CU grain auger machinery, high angle big piles of grain, lorry’s w/ placards - ‘we will beat the government’s set targets, by far’, trucks on the road.
21:23:45 Moscow, Cinema Mir, Rumanian Film Festival, people outside cinema. Shot of applauding audience, on stage Rumanian Film industry professionals, USSR deputy chairman greets guests, general director of Rumanian National Cinematography Center thanks everyone for great support.
21:24:30 ‘Abroad’. NYC stock exchange floor, CU dollars, Bourse, people in stock exchange hall bidding, people in shops, all institutions refuse to accept payments in dollars. American tourists in Europe sell personal belongings to earn money for return tickets, high angle stock exchange meeting, shots of various people in information centers, answer telephones, emergency meetings, Chinese man writes down changes in currency, high angle stock exchange hall.
Capitalism; Economics; Stock Market;
Russian News of the Day 1971 #33 September ‘Hello school’. Various pupils on the way to 1st September’s school reopening, crowd outside newly built school building, headmaster presented w/ big symbolic key, CU kids w/ flowers, high angle square. Young 1st year boy and girl cut ribbon, children enter school. 1st year pupil in classroom, teacher at the front. 21:17:34 Boys w/ trumpets, high angle big square outside Moscow Higher Technical School named after Bauman, CU students w/ flowers, 1st year students presented w/ big symbolic key to education and big students card, applause, guy sets fire to knowledge torch. 21:18:10 Hydroplane on water on river Kalma, shots of buildings on the shore, name of the city - Naberezhnie Chelni, high angle of biggest Europe truck factory construction site, shots of various team names on the placards, CU workers, welding, constructing. New residental apartment houses under construction for future factory workers, trucks on the road, sign - all union building site. 21:19:57 Moscow, 26th anniversary Democratic Republic of Vietnam celebration meeting, high angle hall, CU audience. On podium - chairman of Moscow’s city committee of KPSU Yagatkin, with greetings from CPSU, Deputy chairman Novikav, applause, & DRV government representative, applause, CU placard praising Soviet-Vietnamese frienship. 21:20:59 Moscow, 16 country flags on poles, people at opening of exibition - Surgery 1971. Exibition halls , w/ various medical equipment, automatic surgery beds, x-ray machines. Kremlin, 24th congress of International Surgery Society, high angle meeting hall, CU audience. USSR health minister academican Petrovsky, various speakers & audience. 21:22:33 Grain harvest, line of big combines in the field from various angles. Drivers work thru night, outside storage at night, man moves grain w/ shovel, CU grain auger machinery, high angle big piles of grain, lorry’s w/ placards - ‘we will beat the government’s set targets, by far’, trucks on the road. 21:23:45 Moscow, Cinema Mir, Rumanian Film Festival, people outside cinema. Shot of applauding audience, on stage Rumanian Film industry professionals, USSR deputy chairman greets guests, general director of Rumanian National Cinematography Center thanks everyone for great support. 21:24:30 ‘Abroad’. NYC stock exchange floor, CU dollars, Bourse, people in stock exchange hall bidding, people in shops, all institutions refuse to accept payments in dollars. American tourists in Europe sell personal belongings to earn money for return tickets, high angle stock exchange meeting, shots of various people in information centers, answer telephones, emergency meetings, Chinese man writes down changes in currency, high angle stock exchange hall. Capitalism; Economics; Stock Market;