Sharing Work At Home
Coronet Instructional Films
03:01:18 Boy putting paste on wallpaper & hanging w/ father in living room of Taylor home. Father on step ladder brushing down paper; sister & mother in w/ food. Mother takes telephone call.
03:03:20 Months before, telephone rings, daughter answers & says mother can’t come to phone: “..oh no just run down, tired out I guess.” Girl reads book aloud on keeping house clean. Breaks lamp, gets frustrated. “Home is a lot of work, just plain work.” Brother doesn’t want to cook; reads “when work at home is planned & organized for cooperation there can be more time for leisure.” They sit at table & make notes.
03:06:06 CU of pad. They talk w/ mother after she’s well; talk about how to get jobs assigned on basis of time & ability rather than whether its a man’s job or a woman’s job.
03:07:06 Mother reads from Home Economics book: “Father’s main work is away from home; this is true also of the much of the house work falls on mother.”
03:08:15 Boy: “We all have spare time. Let’s make a list of all the odd jobs around the house...” Daughter vacuuming, mother dusting, son ironing, setting table; washing dishes; scrubbing floor.
03:09:10 Boy fixing lamp shade. Girl wants to make a slip cover for the davenport; they decide its time to re-do the living room. “This is beginning to be quite a family project!”
Narrator: “The Taylors are a far happier & better family since they learned to share the work at home.”
The End, missing final music notes.
Educational Films; Family Life; Cooperation; Health; Organization; Stereotypes; DIY; Do It Yourself; Americana;
Sharing Work At Home Coronet Instructional Films 03:01:18 Boy putting paste on wallpaper & hanging w/ father in living room of Taylor home. Father on step ladder brushing down paper; sister & mother in w/ food. Mother takes telephone call. 03:03:20 Months before, telephone rings, daughter answers & says mother can’t come to phone: “..oh no just run down, tired out I guess.” Girl reads book aloud on keeping house clean. Breaks lamp, gets frustrated. “Home is a lot of work, just plain work.” Brother doesn’t want to cook; reads “when work at home is planned & organized for cooperation there can be more time for leisure.” They sit at table & make notes. 03:06:06 CU of pad. They talk w/ mother after she’s well; talk about how to get jobs assigned on basis of time & ability rather than whether its a man’s job or a woman’s job. 03:07:06 Mother reads from Home Economics book: “Father’s main work is away from home; this is true also of the much of the house work falls on mother.” 03:08:15 Boy: “We all have spare time. Let’s make a list of all the odd jobs around the house...” Daughter vacuuming, mother dusting, son ironing, setting table; washing dishes; scrubbing floor. 03:09:10 Boy fixing lamp shade. Girl wants to make a slip cover for the davenport; they decide its time to re-do the living room. “This is beginning to be quite a family project!” Narrator: “The Taylors are a far happier & better family since they learned to share the work at home.” The End, missing final music notes. Educational Films; Family Life; Cooperation; Health; Organization; Stereotypes; DIY; Do It Yourself; Americana;