The Story Of A Violin
National Film Board of Canada. Animation Evelyn Lambart, Norman McLaren
17:01:23 Boy practicing violin by piano in 1950s living room in front of floral drapes & floral lampshade. MCU grimacing.
17:01:42 Line of boys in short pants w/ baseball bats & ball going to play game; stand outside suburban house window. Boy stops playing & comes to window; climbs out & leaves w/ boys walking thru grass & arriving at playground. Captains use bat to decide who is up first in softball game. Third pitch hit & gets to first. Violinst’s mother comes & takes him away for violin lessen. He’s upset. Boys confer, plot.
17:03:41 Mother gives boy violin, he leaves carrying case. Stopped by boy, other kids steal his violin & throw it around. Truck down street runs over it. Boy & driver pick up pieces.
17:04:42 Rest of team sitting talking. Boys march into town to music shop, look in window & go inside. He takes down violin says it will take three months to make. Takes one out of safe & shows it to boys; Stradivarius.
17:05:59 Workbench w/ tools, pieces. Man knocking on various pieces of wood. Puts boards in clamp & planes them, then glues pieces together & clamps them. Marks outline for back; cuts on bandsaw; thins back w/ special chisel.
17:07:37 Boy carrying groceries out to car w/ mother. Shaving back of violin, then sanding & smoothing.
17:08:40 Soldier buying newspaper from boy, pedestrians crossing street in sun. Back to carving & shaping violin; marking & cutting grooves around violin back. Inlaying ebony for strength; treating wood. Shaping ribs & fitting in mold, aka mold. Removed.
17:10:55 Working spruce wood for top to shape; cutting holes for sound & polishing; gluing bass bar. Assembling & gluing body of violin & clamping.
17:12:55 Reviewing parts. Animated unmaking the violin to show its parts in CUs.
17:16:15 Varnishing. Boy w/ newspaper bag & bicycle. Carver continues. Polishing, assembling peg bar, bridge.
17:18:22 Bowling alley & boy as pinsetter setting pins by hand
17:18:29 Violinmaker assembling sound post, tuning, playing.
17:19:19 CU boys around boy dialing rotary telephone; violin maker answers. They hang up, give money to one boy. Violin maker holding & looking at violin.
17:20:04 Boys out of shop w/ violin, down sidewalk, though lawn, up steps & presents violin to Bill. He plays for them as they sit on couch/ The End. 1947.
Craftsman, Hand Manufacturing; Music; Musical Instrument;
The Story Of A Violin National Film Board of Canada. Animation Evelyn Lambart, Norman McLaren 17:01:23 Boy practicing violin by piano in 1950s living room in front of floral drapes & floral lampshade. MCU grimacing. 17:01:42 Line of boys in short pants w/ baseball bats & ball going to play game; stand outside suburban house window. Boy stops playing & comes to window; climbs out & leaves w/ boys walking thru grass & arriving at playground. Captains use bat to decide who is up first in softball game. Third pitch hit & gets to first. Violinst’s mother comes & takes him away for violin lessen. He’s upset. Boys confer, plot. 17:03:41 Mother gives boy violin, he leaves carrying case. Stopped by boy, other kids steal his violin & throw it around. Truck down street runs over it. Boy & driver pick up pieces. 17:04:42 Rest of team sitting talking. Boys march into town to music shop, look in window & go inside. He takes down violin says it will take three months to make. Takes one out of safe & shows it to boys; Stradivarius. 17:05:59 Workbench w/ tools, pieces. Man knocking on various pieces of wood. Puts boards in clamp & planes them, then glues pieces together & clamps them. Marks outline for back; cuts on bandsaw; thins back w/ special chisel. 17:07:37 Boy carrying groceries out to car w/ mother. Shaving back of violin, then sanding & smoothing. 17:08:40 Soldier buying newspaper from boy, pedestrians crossing street in sun. Back to carving & shaping violin; marking & cutting grooves around violin back. Inlaying ebony for strength; treating wood. Shaping ribs & fitting in mold, aka mold. Removed. 17:10:55 Working spruce wood for top to shape; cutting holes for sound & polishing; gluing bass bar. Assembling & gluing body of violin & clamping. 17:12:55 Reviewing parts. Animated unmaking the violin to show its parts in CUs. 17:16:15 Varnishing. Boy w/ newspaper bag & bicycle. Carver continues. Polishing, assembling peg bar, bridge. 17:18:22 Bowling alley & boy as pinsetter setting pins by hand 17:18:29 Violinmaker assembling sound post, tuning, playing. 17:19:19 CU boys around boy dialing rotary telephone; violin maker answers. They hang up, give money to one boy. Violin maker holding & looking at violin. 17:20:04 Boys out of shop w/ violin, down sidewalk, though lawn, up steps & presents violin to Bill. He plays for them as they sit on couch/ The End. 1947. Craftsman, Hand Manufacturing; Music; Musical Instrument;