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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221167-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: USA
Location: Buffalo,NY
TC Begins: 10:11:06
TC Ends: 10:24:15
Duration: 00:13:09
To Inform And To Serve Promotional film presented by the Buffalo Evening News Aerial Buffalo, NY. Street scene, pedestrians, traffic, skyscraper. Freighter ship loading cargo loaded at docks. High pan across large railroad goods yard. Aerial factories. 10:12:13 CU sign ‘The News’; INT Buffalo Evening News newspaper office, journalists at desks; editorial department w/ men editing, woman takes print-outs off teletype machines, CU editing. Men at typewriters, telephones. 10:13:57 Photographer out of office w/ camera. CU switchboard, reporter phones in story, secretary typing. City Editor & team. VO praising contribution of Evening News to community w/ examples: Monument to President McKinley in Niagara Square. EXT State College for Teacher Education; University of Buffalo. Potholed road to be mended. Aerials freeway thru downtown Buffalo. Eerie County park; old & new library buildings w/ buses past. 10:16:47 Suburbia - aerials showing uniform rows of houses, POV tracking shot past new houses. Urban renewal & downtown demolition. Editorial conference of newspaper. City Hospital. 10:17:58 Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist Bruce Shanks at drawing board. Newspaper production sequence: Linotype operators seated at row of machines typing copy, type blocks assembled for proof readers. Advertisements added. Press plates put through roller by stereotyper to create page mats - lead image created on plate - carried on conveyor to printing press room. 10:20:39 Plates put on presses; huge presses w/ rolls of paper in press. Odd statistics given. CU typical printing press shot paper feeding through machine, completed papers move to mail room & bundled then down chute to trucks at loading dock. Buffalo Evening News truck out of depot. Man reading newspaper at home. Journalism; News Reporting; Current Affairs; Manufacturing. Newspaper Industry; 1950s Americana; Suburban Housing; Communications