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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250041-17
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1967
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Bong Son Plain
TC Begins: 08:28:43
TC Ends: 08:30:24
Duration: 00:01:41
Vietnam War - 1967, Vietnam, Enemy Snipers Take Toll 08:28:48 Montage: Banana fronds, Marines running, fighting; wounded helped, marine crawling on stomach after ambush. MCU wounded. Marine firing grenade launcher. Helicopter overhead, troops beyond body; large helicopter firing rockets. 08:29:41 Soldier on field telephone, cameraman beyond eating sandwich; GI feeding wounded from tin, CU. 08:30:05 Small rescue helicopter overhead. Soldiers on ground helping wounded walk Southeast Asia; Battles; Horrors of War; Bong Son Plain; NOTE: Ask about special pricing of this card.