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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221740-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1965
Country: South Vietnam,USA,Vietnam
Location: Saigon
TC Begins: 15:45:45
TC Ends: 15:54:49
Duration: 00:09:04
NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: R3 of 3 Flare burning; people running w/ rifles; silhouetted men w/ rifles. 15:46:37 Aerial of UH-1 helicopters in formation against sunset or sunrise; POV from cockpit of formation over river. 15:47:01 Soldiers march w/ rifles & machine guns to helicopters on field, boarding, taking off past camera. 15:47:41 POV from helicopter, machine guns & ammunition in door; formation in flight, landing & unloading in wet rice paddy, helicopters leave, men run thru mud seen from helicopter leaving. 15:48:51 Ground shot of helicopter, troops & flares, armored personnel carriers w/ POV from on top. CU radioman w/ field telephone. CU firing machine guns. Burning carrier w/ others around. Battle & explosions GOOD. 15:50:03 Wounded unloaded from personnel carrier, stretcher; walking wounded; medics treating. 15:50:28 Helicopters firing rockets seen from ground & air. Machine gunner firing from helicopter door. ARVN on field telephone & US fighter aircraft dive bombing. Large explosions. 15:51:41 Soldiers advance, CUs. crossing rice paddy. machine gun & rifles firing, treating wounded. GOOD. 15:52:34 Personnel carriers across field; ARVN thru mud & water into jungle, crossing stream. Dead Vietcong. Prisoners & weapons captured. Helicopters arrive & evacuate wounded. Men marching away. 15:53:40 Montage: sun setting; villagers harvesting rice; man w/ team of water buffalo; women carry baskets on poles. People along road; soldiers along road out of military base. The End. American Propaganda; Agriculture; Daily Life; 1965; 1960s; Vietnam War; Horrors of War; Fighting; NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: