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With the Royal Field Artillery In Action (WW1)

Reel Number: 220740-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1918

Country: France


TC Begins: 23:00:19

TC Ends: 23:12:11

Duration: 00:11:52

With the Royal Field Artillery In Action Official Pictures of the British Army in France - Taken by permission of the War Office by the British Topical Committee for War Films 23:00:37 Title: “A Territorial Brigade on the march.” Horse-drawn artillery guns and troops down muddy waterlogged roads; move into position. 23:01:29 Title: “Packing shells in an ammunition column.” Men take empty casings; shells packed into crates. 23:02:17 Title: “A Howitzer Battery opening fire on the German position.” Men load & fire from behind brush. 23:02:49 Title: “The Observation officer orders his battery of 18-pounders to open fire.” In sandbagged trench; man takes down notes, another soldier on field telephone. 23:03:04 Title: “The men hurrying to their quarters in the gun pits.” Soldiers run to gun pits / dugouts in brush. 23:03:24 Title: “Bringing up shells in special jackets.” Men carrying shells in long vests. 23:03:47 Title: “Handing shells to the gunners.” Man takes shells from rack, load artillery, fire. 23:04:09 Title: “The battery opening fire.” Line of guns firing from hidden positions in brush. MS. 23:04:26 Title: “Shrapnel & high explosive shells bursting over German lines...” Explosions in distance beyond light barbed wire barricade. Men firing artillery. Explosions 23:06:33 Title: “The 0bservation Officer alters his range.” Using periscope from sandbagged position. Camouflaged positions firing seen from front angle. Distant explosions & drifting smoke. Firing, explosions. 23:07:35 MS of men sighting & firing. Explosions & smoke. GOOD. 23:08:24 Titles: “Destruction of a German blockhouse by a 9.2 Howitzer -. (..affectionately called “Mother” by the gunners.)” “Getting ‘Mother’ ready for the party.” Uncovering big gun. Line of shells rolled up, loaded on four-man carrier. 9.2 fired. 23:09:46 Title: “Officers observing the bombardment.” In sandbaged positions w/ periscopes. 23:10:01 Title: “Receiving the observation officers’ message by telephone.” Soldier on field telephone, another takes down notes. 23:10:19 Title: “Shells bursting (Note 8th shell completely demolishes the structure).” Explosions, filmed through peephole, debris fall close. 23:11:33 Title: “The bombardment never ceases, & the gun flashes continue throughout the night.” Night explosions, bursts. The End. WWI; WW1; British Military; Frontlines; NOTE: Very good coverage & quality.

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