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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220737-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1917-1918
Country: Belgium,France
Location: Cambrai
TC Begins: 19:29:44
TC Ends: 19:39:06
Duration: 00:09:22
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI - 1917, France: Cambrai Battle ca 20Nov-07Dec17 British troops putting on back packs; High Angle / HA four columns, marching in short pants to the front lines l. to r. 19:30:26 Other troops marching r. to l. in long pants on muddy road. Horses pull artillery gun carriages out of muddy woods. Cross ditch w/ water pipes stacked alongside. Cavalry units advance in column, artillery pieces pulled by horses along muddy road, turn off road over rough ground to positions. Rearing horse. Mud. 19:32:58 Men setting up camp in field. 19:33:45 MS artillery firing in row, r. to l. Soldiers march off w/ shovels & picks; infantry dig sod, water pipes alongside. in, laying telephone wires, 19:34:36 Truck column & horses seen across deep crater, pan to men building road around crater. Officers, soldiers w/ bicycles & many troops standing around crater. Men digging to lay pipes (?); trenches 19:35:33 Mounted column (French?) along road r. to l., several German prisoners (?) l. to r. 19:35:40 Many German prisoners of war marched past r. to l. w/ guards following; then l. to r. some on stretchers. And again from r. to l. 19:36:44 Pan German officers standing against wall smoking, drinking coffee / tea & eating. 19:37:09 MS Crashed German Albatros C-111 inspected by British troops. CU torn fabric. Soldier in kilts looking, military still photographers. Soldier tearing fabric from wing around German marking 19:37:58 British Mark IV (?) tank advancing slowly past troops; men on top of parked tank w/ telescope & soldiers w/ binoculars look across field. 19:38:38 Soldiers shave & wash up in field. 19:38:49 Refugees, mostly women & children, w/ bundles pose for camera. CUs. The End. WW1; German Military Aircraft; BEF; British Expeditionary Forces; Fight Preparations; Weather; Battles; War Animals; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: