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WWI - 1918ca, Germany Documentary: Ein Kampftag An Der Westfront

Reel Number: 250111-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1918,1910s

Country: Germany


TC Begins: 04:11:13

TC Ends: 04:21:15

Duration: 00:10:02

WWI - 1918ca, Germany Documentary: Ein Kampftag An Der Westfront Titles. Mass of German Army troops move five abreast towards a WWI / WW1 battlefront in France. Teams of horses pulling mess wagons, supply wagons & supplies, machine guns, etc along road. 04:12:32 Pan many soldiers resting along roadside on dirt bank, eating at roadside field kitchen wagons. 04:12:50 Troops & horse drawn wagons thru ruined town. Advancing along muddy road. 04:13:23 Germans in trenches & advancing over hill, many explosions. 04:13:52 Very large guns / mortars fired from open & camouflage. Explosions. Light artillery fired; Men firing on advancing troops from trenches w/ rifles & machine guns. Men charging & falling dead. 04:14:44 German troops in deep trench crawling out, run across barbed wire & muddy craters & thru trenches w/ rifles & shovels on back. 04:15:07 Crawling under barbed wire obstacles & cutting wire. Throwing grenades; run over barbed wire. 04:15:55 German soldiers lay telephone wire on boards in bottom of a trench; man on field telephone. Men loading artillery. Explosions. 04:16:18 German soldiers wearing gas masks clean barrel & load a gas shell into an artillery piece and fire it over allied trenches. 04:16:37 Germans loading large mortar & firing. 04:17:03 Germans out of bunker and run thru trenches, across field; firing machine gun. Running across bomb craters. Explosions. German falls dead. LS of flame throwers used, other troops run across fields. MCU flame throwers & smoke. Pan countryside w/ smoke, men running. 04:19:32 Large tank w/ ERN on front 04:19:40 Soldiers w/ machine gun, get up & run w/ it; others running thru smoke. 04:19:52 Burned over land w/ tree stumps; troops run thru w/ flame-throwers. High angle of troops running up hill past camera. LS. 04:20:47 Troops marching along road w/ rifles & bedrolls under guard; prisoners of war / POWs. WW1; Battle Action; Fighting; Horrors of War; NOTE: Dramatic footage w/o titles or context. Very dramatic, fair quality. Sold at per reel rate.

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