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WWII - 1941 ca, Poland: German Mountain Troops Battle For A Village R1 of 3

Reel Number: 221530-11

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1941,1940s

Country: Germany,Poland

Location: BaronowiCe

TC Begins: 09:34:53

TC Ends: 09:44:56

Duration: 00:10:03

WWII - 1941 ca, Poland: German Mountain Troops Battle For A Village R 1 of 3 Titles. 09:36:23 Daybreak, troops moving forward. MS w/ field packs across wet field. Commander laying on ground studying maps. Radioman talking into microphone CU. Commander giving instructions; troops cross stream on log, through farmyards; lying on ground in woods. Digging pit. Firing machine guns & running ahead. Walking thru forest. Getting directions from peasant farmer. 09:38:20 MCU Officers & men talking, planning, maps. Camp. Motorcycle w/ sidecar; officers. Motorcycle across field. Observation & radio; light artillery. LS of moving forward. MCU across grain field; w/ horses. Artillery & men digging in. Infantry & artillery set up & fired. Observation scope. Men on field telephones. 09:40:56 Polishing shells; firing. Unloading pack animals. Explosions. Rangefinders. 09:41:49 Horses pulling artillery, muddy wheels. Setting up & camouflaged. Firing. Watching w/ binoculars. Unpacking shells outside village & firing large mortars from cornfield. HQ in log building w/ Generals; Men in field firing artillery; explosions close by. Men advance on foot; thru orchard; across grain field. 09:44:39 Crossing tank trap trench & climb out other side. Across grass. Continued... WW2 German Training Film; Fighting; Battles; NOTE: Card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: GOOD thorough & repetitive coverage of advancing & communications. NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.

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