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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220803-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: Japan,USA
Location: South Pacific
TC Begins: 05:17:44
TC Ends: 05:25:18
Duration: 00:07:34
WWII - 1944, Pacific: Japanese Prisoner of War Camp South Pacific. 02Apr44 R3 of 3 Japanese behind counter preparing meal - takes handful of noodles / spaghetti & puts on plates, adds sauce. Japanese POWs come in line & take away trays of food. Prisoners eat w/ chopsticks. 07:18:50 Bare chested Japanese POW salutes MP. Personal belongings of prisoner placed on table. MP uses field telephone. POW drinks water from canteen. Different prisoners smoking cigarettes. First POW w/ MPs, different angles. Interrogation - taking notes. Different interrogations - POWs smoking. Pacific War; WW2; Questioning; Tobacco; 1940s;