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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250090-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: USA
TC Begins: 10:42:23
TC Ends: 10:51:58
Duration: 00:09:35
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles. 10:42:45 Pan exterior of Nazi government buildings. 10:43:01 CU rotating phonograph disc w/ cu of need (simulated recording) dissolve to man at microphone; newspaper printing presses, superimposed man speaking over them, repeating “Divide And Conquer.” 10:43:23 Staged, SOF: Nazi propaganda speaker saying that America is a mongrel nation and that the Nazis can play Black men against White- effectively removing 10% of the American army by alienating the Blacks. 10:44:46 Staged D-Day landing montage intercut w/ actual footage: Black and White American troops fighting together in the landings, storm aftermath. Men moving forward & aerials of ships off-shore. 10:46:42 Staged Nazi meeting. 10:46:55 LS many army trucks on beach w/ ships unloading. Blacks bringing supplies from ships to shore to the front intercutting Blacks & Whites. “delivering Fifth War Loan...” Destroyed railroads, airfields, etc. 10:48:30 Black & White engineers constructing telephone lines; mine clearing; airfield construction; laying rails, pipelines, welding. Destroyed Port of Cherbourg; men building & unloading locomotive etc. CUs. 10:50:39 Stockpile of crates, wire, & men moving forward w/ tanks thru village, marching. 10:51:12 Scenes of Red Ball Express, highway - gasoline supply line to the front in France, trucks w/ drums of fuel. 10:51:37 Staged shots of explosions near trucks etc. Race Relations; Anti-Racism; Racists; Segregation; Desegregation; African-Americans; Negroes; WW2; WWII; Staged Propaganda; Documentary; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: