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WWII - 1944, USA Homefront: Flashes Of The War - Bigger And Bigger Bombs For Hitler; Money; Oversize Jeep

Reel Number: 220478-36

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944,1940s

Country: England,Italy,ItalyUNITED KINGDOM,USA

Location: Long Island, New York,Rome

TC Begins: 22:02:15

TC Ends: 22:03:57

Duration: 00:01:42

WWII - 1944, USA Weapons: Bombs; Caves; Large Jeep Demonstrated Intertitle: Flashes Of The War - Bigger And Bigger Bombs For Hitler 22:02:24 2-ton blockbuster bomb hanging from winch taken out of hangar, loaded on plane. 22:02:29 4-ton bomb: 8,000 super-blockbuster carried on cart & hoisted into aircraft in England. 22:02:43 6-tonner ”factory buster” pulled on cart by tractor to plane for loading. 22:03:02 Intertitle: Allied Headquarters In A Wine Cellar. 22:03;05 Allied HQ in underground cellar on Rome, Italy beachhead. Men at communications / telephone switchboard. 22:03:20 Unpacking cartons of currency. CU piles of money (dollars?) being counted (soldier’s pay). Pictures of pinups on wall. Soldier at typewriter under pinup photos. 22:03:34 Intertitle: Coast Guard Displays 10 Men In A Jeep. New super jeep that can be used as troop carrier demonstrated on Long Island beach. Demonstrated over sand dunes & bouncing w/ GIs in back. WW2 Inventions; Ammunition; 1940s; Bills;