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WWII - 1945, Pacific: Okinawa, Rocky Crag, Ryukyu Island Group

Reel Number: 221268-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1945,1940s

Country: Japan,USA

Location: Okinawa,Pacific,Ryukyu Islands

TC Begins: 19:18:32

TC Ends: 19:26:40

Duration: 00:08:08

WWII - 1945, Okinawa, Rocky Crag, Ryukyu Island Group Tank moving up past village huts (out of focus). Smoke rising from valley. Out of focus. 19:19:43 CU of tank moving up; LS of tanks across valley w/ lead tank firing napalm (?) flames into brush on hillside. Large explosions on hillside. Men carrying rifles and wounded toward and past camera. Tanks firing flames. Brush burning. Burned hillside & pan across; soldiers walk across. 19:22:15 Tank firing on hillside. Tanks return toward camera position. 19:23:29 Wounded beside truck (?), soldiers standing around & medic treating. Stretcher w/ men carrying two wounded away from camera. 19:24:12 Soldiers past cave; two w/ Japanese prisoner. Soldiers in ravine firing mortars up hillside; man on field telephone. Good CU of man on phone & firing mortars. 19:25:38 Tanks speeding across valley; tanks coming up road past camera. Soldiers lying on ground in hilltop position. WW2 - Pacific Battles; Fighting;