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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250167-19
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1949
Country: China,USA
Location: New York City,NYC,Shanghai
TC Begins: 23:18:05
TC Ends: 23:20:31
Duration: 00:02:26
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1949 - Civil War: China War - Crowds Flee Shanghai As Red Trap Closes; Loyalty Day Parade, NYC Title. 23:18:10 High angle of bourse along river w/ traffic, trucks, buses, people. 23:18:14 People on boats moored in river. Large freighter w/ deck filled w/ people seen from river. 23:18:25 Military aboard DUKW pulling trailer down street. Civilian refugees pushing goods on trailer along road; woman w/ bicycles & bags of goods. 23:18:41 European families walking along dock, boarding ship. Nuns seated. Military carrying person up gangway on stretcher. Baggage etc. carried aboard. Nuns w/ suitcases. People wave goodbye from ship. 23:19:24 US troops board ship & 2-stack liner leaving. Chinese Revolution; 1949; Evacuation; Communist Take-over; Communism; 23:19:36 Title: Loyalty Day - Red Practices Scored In All Nations Rally/ 23:19:42 Sparse parade along New York City Fifth Avenue. CUs flags. Boy Scouts on float. Marchers carry placards: Americans Defend Your Country Against Communism Tomorrow May Be Too Late. Communist Party Be Outlawed! Various shots of parade. 23:20:13 (too dark to be useful) People into baseball stadium, Catholic priests. Anti-Communism; Anti-Communist; 1949; Shanghai, China; Cold War; Patriotism; May49; Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: