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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221331-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1956
Country: USA
TC Begins: 15:32:03
TC Ends: 15:43:00
Duration: 00:10:57
Pt. 1 of 3 Produced by Office of Armed Forces Information & Education, AFIF 76 Introductory titles “ is imperative to understand the methods used by the Communists to take over a country.” 15:32:47 Boris H. Klossen, US State Department, at desk speaks to camera: “The Communists today dominate the lives of more than 800 million did they do it?” 15:33:57 Illustrations over Klossen VO show Spiritual, Political, Economic, Cultural as areas of power that Communists want to control. “ make every action of every individual w/in a country subject to Communist control.” 15:34:57 Title: Organization. Drawings of soviets w/ animation of underground men sneaking around in silhouette & clock overlay. Title: Ideology (followed by hairy fist flattening churches, political buildings etc)) “...symbol of the clenched fist sums up the Communist creed...” Title: Leadership (pushes down column labeled “National Loyalty”, “Emotional Ties”, “Human Ties” & then standing on top of wreckage.). Title: Armed Force 15:39:18 Stands up from desk & goes to wall chart w/ schematic picture of a country showing groups, governments, people etc. w/ only a few communists. Talks about Communists “soft-pedaling revolution”. United front as a tactic to lead to eventual take over. “...equally active in the village was too small for their political activities...” Klossen says that in Eastern Europe the Communists accused the conservatives of having been aligned w/ Nazis & by making this accusation removed their political base. Cold War Propaganda;1950s; Talking Head; Stereotypes; Anti-Communism; Paranoia; Fear;