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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221331-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1956
Country: USA
TC Begins: 15:43:00
TC Ends: 15:54:11
Duration: 00:11:11
Communist Blueprint For Conquest Pt. 2 of 3 Narrated by Boris H. Klossen, US State Department “The Communists then moved against the economic groups themselves.” Goes on to show a diagram of land w/ animated divisions to give land to peasants; public ownership of big business neutralizing workers by promising job security. Talks of Ministry of Interior controlling police (illustrted w/ chain). 15:45:21 Communists “goons” outside of chained factory gates. “...private police force of their own...” 15:46:15 “In some countries government censorship was a long established practice....Having control of the Ministry of Information meant that the Communists were in a position to interfer w/ the efforts of other parties to reach the population. Finally the Ministry of Agriculture... (to control peasants by making them dependent on the government).” 15:47:30 Man at file cabinet “...setting up network of informants...” (GOOD stereotypes illustrating blackmail). 15:49:37 Illustration of how Communists eliminate other parties in an Eastern European country. “In some cases the Communists would secretly sponsor a new party under virtually the same name as an existing party in order to confuse the voters.” 15:50:55 Animation of leader making accusations against other parties; typing printing press; workers refusing to print due to communist control of printers’ union. Reading newspapers labeled Accusations. Trial & execution drawings. Talks about Communists splitting Socialists into right & left factions & working them against each other. 15:52:45 Animation of turning in of party cards, thereby removing segments of population by refusing to re-issue cards. Voting at polling places. Talks about denying portions of population the right to vote. “...leaving splinter groups to give impression of multi-party government.” Cold War Propaganda;1950s; Talking Head; Stereotypes; Anti-Communism; Animation; Illustrations; Fear; Paranoia; Labor Unions;