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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250089-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: Korea,South Korea,USA
Location: Lake Success,New York,New York City,NYC,Seoul
TC Begins: 08:39:47
TC Ends: 08:44:17
Duration: 00:04:30
Title. 08:39:52 LSTs loaded in Japan w/ equipment & troops for Korea. POV from heavily loaded ships at sea. 08:40:21 Landing craft circling before going ashore; troops crossing sandy beach & marching along dusty street in city. 08:40:35 Officers into tent, MCU looking at maps. View of river bridge & dam w/ explosives attached; GIs placing mines along roadside & covering. Views of troops watching from camouflaged positions. Swish pan to... 08:41:21 Ext. Lake Success United Nations Building. Int & women lined up for seats. Int of Security Council hall & filled seats. 08:41:33 Men in suits arriving, walking down hallway surrounding Jacob Malik. Press photographers. Malik sits down as President for month. 08:41:46 Warren Austin sitting down. CU Nationalist China delegate. 08:42:15 Austin speaks, SOF: “The United States cannot agree that the question of Chinese representation can take precedent over the fact of armed aggression. Nor can the United States agree that the determination of aggression be made contingent on other issues. So long as men are dying on the battlefield in the defense of the United Nations this council will not wish to cheapen their suffering, or sully their heroism, by seeming to engage in the consideration of deals.” 08:43:02 MLS of Security Council. Swish pan... 08:43:14 Demonstration in NYC w/ police on horseback herding crowd. Woman yelling (MOS) at camera; Union Square demonstrators fighting w/ police; violently kicked & beaten by crowd. Arrests & fighting. GOOD. Korean War; American Way; Freedom; Right Wing; Cold War; 1950; Anti-Communism; Communists; Violence;