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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221408-01
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1978
Country: USA,USSR
TC Begins: 14:00:00
TC Ends: 14:14:10
Duration: 00:14:10
Title: This film states the opinions of the American Security Council Education Foundation concerning the military threat posed by the Warsaw Pact countries to the United States & its allies. It does not represent the official position of the United States Government for the Department of Defense. 14:00:23 B/W Pres. Kennedy sitting before microphones: “It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the western hemisphere as an attack...” speech continues over shots of United Nations, flags. 14:01:16 Color Main Title: The Price of Peace and Freedom Pt 1 of 2 B/W US Navy following USSR freighters w/ missiles. 14:01:44 Color Montage: Communist flags carried by marchers in Red Square, large banner of Lenin, large ICBM missiles pulled in parade past Lenin’s tomb; int. XXV, 25th Party Congress w/ Brezhnev speaking & narrator translating “in the struggle w/ the nations of the West, the Soviets had indeed been winning.” Train into station, w/ Alexander Solzenitzen aka Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn at RR window & off train, crowds, one man holding up his book, photographers - probably his arrival in the USA? after his deportation on 13Feb74 . 14:02:45 Solzhenitsyn speaking SOF at AFL-CIO dinner, Washington, DC about threat to US w/o nuclear war. CU of still. 14:03:33 SOF Brezhnev: “Vietnam has been a glorious victory, after Vietnam it was Laos & Cambodia...” Crosscutting between the two re war, Communist ideology, detente, class struggle. Audience applauding Brezhnev speech. MS Generals applauding. 14:04:45 Montage: Soviet pilots run to MIG fighter jets; rocket on launcher raised; rockets to USSR bombers & bombs loaded. Large ICBM planes in forest. Tanks, planes, pilots, artillery firing, explosions, planes firing & tanks & troop carriers across river. Warsaw Pact exercises. Navy launching rockets. Bombers. (GOOD). 14:06:31 NATO ext. w/ flags. MCU SOF Gen. Peter Hill-Norton: “The Soviet Union & its allies have, in there military policies, shown a steady & continuous improvement in both quality & quantity of weapons, equipment & training...” Stresses Warsaw Pact superior numbers & questions their need for naval superiority. 14:08:22 B/W & color USSR naval ships, sailors, soldiers, radar. Submarines, flags, men training at sea firing guns, missiles, explosions. (GOOD). 14:09:50 Color ext. Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic. Admiral Isaac C. Kidd SOF “...Atlantic moat filled w/ predatory steel sharks conceived & constructed in the Soviet Union...” Shots of subs, ships, aircraft carriers Kiev, etc. w/ VO. “...its the future that bothers me, it must bother you because the trends are all in wrong direction.” Atomic & H-bomb (?) explosions w/ mushroom clouds. Soviet ICBM launched. CU crew & in silo. Atomic blast in ocean. ICBMs in Red Square. Military descending in USSR missile silo; men at switches, firing, launching. SS-9 (?) firing. 14:13:19 POV Yankee Class nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine & crew at controls. Raising thru ice. Firing R-29 / SS-N-8 missile launches. (GOOD) Continued... Cold War; Scare Films; Anti-Communism; Anti-Communists; Right Wing; Arms Race; Military Buildup; Alarmist; Defense; Offense; Nuclear War; 1970s;