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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221806-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1910s,1920s,1924
Country: USA,USSR
TC Begins: 03:11:13
TC Ends: 03:19:32
Duration: 00:08:19
1920s - Personalities: Woodrow Wilson Funeral; USSR Winter Market; Karl Radek; Communists Smashing Church Bells; Mitchell Palmer; Fanny Brice & Nicky Arnstein 1924. Ministers out of home (?) w/ military officers at attention & spectators in background after funeral (?) of Woodrow Wilson; LS w/ pallbearers exiting w/ casket. & officers saluting. Casket placed into hearse (US flag superimposed). Veiled woman leaves & enters car. 03:12:12 Calvin Coolidge & wife out w/ others; Honor Guard soldiers walk alongside cortege (Wilson CU superimposed). Spectators lining street as motorcade slowly passes w/ marching troops accompanying. 03:14:22 Hearse doors opened & casket carried into covered ??. 03:15:14 Slug. 03:15:19 High Angle / HA Large Russian market activities w/ wagons, venders stands; women holding clothes for sale. Soldiers & others in cold near large billboard (?). People in heavy coats buying / selling bundles of wood. 03:16:15 Soldiers onto trolley as it leaves from outside Bolshoi (?) in background & other crowded trolleys arrive. MCU Karl Radek (?) & woman on balcony w/ city neighborhood behind, tips hat; talks w/ other men while all smoke cigarettes. Radek at desk posing & looking at book. 03:17:06 LS church w/ bell tower; MS titlt down to ground & crowd w/ rope; CUs of people & MS w/ winch to pull out bells- falling, breaking / shattering as peasants watch. Men w / sledgehammers destroying / smashing church bell. 03:18:06 Slug. 03:18:13 1920 CU Attorney General Mitchell Palmer talking to men outside Democratic convention; MS Palmer & wife w/ FDR (?) & others behind. 03:18:49 Slug. 03:18:56 MCU Fanny Brice & Nicky Arnstein wearing coats & hats sitting in front of USA map talking. USSR / Russian Revolution; Communism; Red Scare; Entertainers; Gamblers; Swindler; Anti-Religion; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.